Abstract | Rad donosi prikaz pastoralnih i mitoloških motiva u interpretaciji Marina Držića. Konkretno, u njegovoj drami Tirena. U uvodnom se dijelu objašnjava geneza same pastorale, najprije u svjetskoj književnosti, a zatim se fokus sužava na književnost unutar današnje Hrvatske, i na kraju na samo dubrovačko područje. Donose se glavna obilježja pastorale, glavna tematika, motivi, izvori i opis likova za nju karakterističnih. Navode se pioniri hrvatske dubrovačke pastorale, nakon čega se prelazi na njen vrhunac koji je pronašla u velikom Marinu Držiću. Rad donosi i opširnu biografiju samog autora, nekoliko crtica o djelu Tirena i interpretaciji pastoralnih elemenata unutar drame koja je za Držića karakteristična, a u odnosu na ostale pastoralne opuse tog vremena, vrlo specifična, živa i inovativna. Drugi dio rada posvećen je pregledu potencijalnih Držićevih izvora, odnosno inspiracija za stvaranje vlastitih pastorala, a moguća je i obrnuta situacija. Tako rad donosi ponešto o Torquatu Tassu i njegovoj pastoralnoj drami Aminta, te tekovinama koje je za sobom ostavila, zatim o Arcadii Jacopa Sannazzara, i na kraju (iako ne zbog toga manje važno) o Džori Držiću, Marinovu stricu i ujedno pioniru hrvatskog pastoralnog žanra koji je svoj zametak pronašao u eklogi Radmio i Ljubmir ovog značajnog autora. |
Abstract (english) | The aim of this paper is to present one of the most prominent and most important elements of the creation of Marin Držić, one of the greatest authors of Croatian literature at all. Namely, they are about pastoral and mythological motifs, their genesis and sources that Držić served during the writing of their pastoral works, concrete examples and their comparisons drawn from the analysis of Tirena (which, according to authors dealing with Croatian literature, have so far analyzed the mentioned work , for example, a pure pastoral achievement). It will also include Torquato Tasso and his famous work Arcadia, which is very similar to Držić's method of creating pastoral literary works in some elements, and is therefore in this context indispensable to mention, simply because it is of utmost importance to emphasize the cooperation between the big names of the European literature of the Middle Ages, which undoubtedly existed irrespective of the fact that certain works originated sooner or later than the other, and in different geographical areas, but more on the following. Then, there will be talk of the fiction and fiction relationship in the aforementioned opus, as well as the way in which Držić decided to interpret the mythological and pastoral elements in his pastoral care, and thus to create one, for that period of the history of literature, a completely fresh vision of a literary kind that he quickly achieved the enviable status of the independent literary form and
because of his popularity with the public of that time it almost became a distinct literary species, since he created all the predispositions for it. Unfortunately, her impulse was insufficient to make it to the full, but she still left us extremely valuable literary achievements, both in Croatian and worldwide literature, and gave us the cause for the researches that have been carried out on this topic, are being conducted and surely, it will continue in the future. Of course, within the aforementioned parts of this final work, there will also be some important stories about the life of the author, Marin Držić, and then about his work which is analyzed and compared within his work, something general about the pastorale itself, its genesis (time and place of origin and in the direction of expansion, to the most important authors who were her advocates, as well as her destiny, but also for her valued works) and ultimately (but not less importantly) of the life and work of Torquato Tasso and his work Aminta, Jacopo Sannazzaro and his Arcadia, as well as the mythological motive of dubrava, which has become a symbol of the old world in the space of today's Croatia, whether it is a real city or imaginary world, it is only essential that it is definitely the starting point for all the research, it represented a special, isolated world that existed thanks to its own laws and rules, divine, magnificent, packed special beings that are in harmony with humans, with them making adventures, memories and love, and through our great authors, these characters create stories and verses that enter into the greatest works of Croatian and world literature. This is why dubrava is perhaps the most important and most important starting point in the research of this theme, since for all the characters and protagonists in the history of literature (their appearance, behavior, social motivation, procedures, decisions ...) is an extremely important environment in which they are born, live and act. |