Abstract | Ovaj rad pišem kao članica indie tima Belirian na poziciji game i story dizajnera te kao pisca i kao studentice kulturalnih studija. Belirian je tim od pet osoba: programera, 2D artista, dva 3D modelara i mene story dizajnera. Zajedno radimo video igru koja se bazira na staroslavenskom mitu. Temelje fikcijskog svijeta i narativa te igre iznosim u ovome radu. Putem tih temelja, nadamo se završiti video igru do 2021. godine. Za potrebe ovog rada, ali i za stvaranje tih temelja, bilo je potrebno napraviti istraživanje o staroslavenskim mitovima i vjerovanjima te ih prilagoditi mediju video igre za što je potrebno znanje iz teorije video igara. Teoriju videoigara sam uglavnom preuzela od Jaspera Juula iz njegove knjige „Half-real”, dok sam kao reference za temelj staroslavenske vjere i mita, kao i svoje istraživanje, uglavnom bazirala na djelima Radoslava Katičića i njegove serija knjiga „ Tragovima svetih pjesama naše pretkršćanske starine” zajedno s Vitomirom Belajem i njegovim djelom „Hod kroz godinu”. Rad se sastoji od tri glavna dijela. Započinje prvim djelom o teoriji video igara, staroslavenskim mitom i elementima tog mita koji će biti upotrijebljeni u igri. Prvi dio sadržava i kratak sadržaj narativa video igre. Drugi dio se sastoji od prostornosti fikcijskog svijeta kojeg karakteriziraju staroslavenski mitski elementi poput Peruna u gori i Velesa u močvari ili Belajovog svetog trokuta. Posebna je pozornost pridodana močvari koja je početna zona video igre. Treći se dio fokusira na dva glavna lika: mitskog heroja Seleva i seoskog žreca, Selevovu mentoricu Evaynu. Uz ovaj rad pridajem i prvu verziju (početna zona) igre o kojoj pišem, čiji je radni naziv „Son if Iraj”. |
Abstract (english) | I am writing this paper as a member of the indie team named Belirian, where I held the position of game and story designer and writer, as well as a student of cultural studies. Belirian is a five person team: programmer, 2D artist, two 3D modelers, and myself as story designer. Together, we are creating a video game based on ancient Slavic myths. In this dissertation I will draw out the foundations of the fictional world and narrative for our game. Using these foundations, we hope to finish the game by 2021. Due to the requirements for this dissertation, as well as creating these foundations, it was necessary to conduct research into Slavic myths and beliefs, and then adjust them to the media of video games where knowledge of video game theory was needed. In terms of video games theory, I have mostly referred to Jasper Juul and his book “Half-real”, while for my research into ancient Slavic beliefs and myths, I have mostly used the works of Radoslav Katičić and his series of books named “Tragovima svetih pjesama naše pretkršćanske starine”, together with Vitomir Belaj and his book “Hod kroz godinu”. This dissertation consists of three main parts. The first part starts with a description of video game theory, ancient Slavic myths and elements of these myths that will be used in the game. The first part also includes a short description of the game’s narrative. The second part considers spatial relations in the fictional world and one feature of this, which is its connection with elements of ancient Slavic myths like Perun's hills and Veles's swamp or Belaj's sacred triangle. Special attention has been given to the swamp, which is the starting position of the game. The third part is based on the two main characters: the mythical hero Selev and the village Žrec, and Selev's mentor Evayna. In this paper I am submitting the first version (first zone) of the game I am writing about, which has the working title: “Son of Iraj”. |