Abstract | Vodeći se paradigmom cjeloživotnog učenja, formativno vrednovanje dobiva na važnosti na svim razinama obrazovnog sustava, uključujući i obrazovanje odraslih. Zbog prepoznate potrebe za unaprjeđenjem kvalitete nastavnog procesa, a time i procesa vrednovanja u obrazovanju odraslih, a istovremeno i uočenog deficita istraživanja o (formativnom) vrednovanju u obrazovanju odraslih, proizlazi potreba za ovim istraživanjem čiji je cilj dobiti uvid u razumijevanje procesa (formativnog) vrednovanja iz perspektive nastavnika u obrazovanju odraslih te uvidjeti kakav je njihov trenutni pristup vrednovanju postignuća odraslih učenika.
Teorijski dio rada podijeljen je na dva poglavlja. Prvo poglavlje posvećeno je vrednovanju, uključujući njegove temeljne oblike, principe i načela, te je poseban dio posvećen formativnom vrednovanju i njegovim ključnim karakteristikama. U drugom poglavlju proces vrednovanja postavlja se u kontekst obrazovanja odraslih gdje se opisuje njegova uloga, oblici i specifičnosti, kao i potreba za formativnim vrednovanjem, vodeći se pritom specifičnostima obrazovanja odraslih s naglaskom na pojam odraslog učenika i nastavnika. U empirijskom dijelu prikazani su rezultati kvalitativnog istraživanja provedenog na uzorku od 7 sudionika – nastavnika u obrazovanju odraslih. Metodom intervjua korištenom u ovom istraživanju rezultati su pokazali da sudionici veliku važnost pridaju ulozi vrednovanja u obrazovanju odraslih. U nastavi, pretežito su usmjereni na proces, a glavni kriterij odabira metoda je odrasli učenik, točnije, grupa odraslih učenika, koja je heterogena i specifična u odnosu na učenike na nižim razinama obrazovanja. Što se tiče formativnog vrednovanja, unatoč tome što se njegovi ključni elementi, poput povratne informacije, praćenja, komunikacije, aktivnosti učenika i kontinuiteta, prepoznaju u praksi većine nastavnika, nedovoljna upoznatost s konceptom rezultira velikim razlikama u odgovorima sudionika i fleksibilnosti njihove izvedbe. Pritom, mlađi sudionici s manje godina radnog iskustva više su upoznati s formativnim vrednovanjem i njegovim temeljnim principima, a isto se očituje u njihovoj praksi. U procesu formativnog vrednovanja, uloga nastavnika i dalje je ključna, dok se samovrednovanje i vršnjačko vrednovanje provode samo kod nekolicine sudionika. No, zbog njihove percepcije na mogućnost veće uloge učenika u procesu vrednovanja, ali i nastavnika, te zbog važnosti koju sudionici pridaju formativnom vrednovanju u odnosu na sumativno, važno je osposobiti nastavnike za provedbu formativnog vrednovanja formalnim obrazovanjem, koje je, prema odgovorima sudionika, u najmanjoj mjeri doprinijelo njihovoj kompetentnosti za provedbu vrednovanja u obrazovanju odraslih. |
Abstract (english) | Guided by the paradigm of lifelong learning, emphasis is placed on formative assessment at all levels of the education system, including the adult education. Due to the recognized need to improve the quality of the teaching process, and thus the assessment process in adult education, and at the same time the noticed deficit of research on (formative) assessment in adult education, there is a need for this research aimed at gaining insight into teachers' understanding of (formative) assessment process in adult education and to see what is their current approach to assessing the achievements of adult learners. The theoretical part of the master thesis is divided into two chapters. The first chapter is devoted to assessment, including its basic forms and principles, and also formative assessment and its key characteristics, that is described in special paragraph. In the second chapter, the assessment process is placed in the context of adult education where it’s described its role, forms and specifics, as well as the need for formative assessment, guided by the specifics of adult education with emphasis on the adult learner and the teacher. The empirical part presents the results of a qualitative research conducted on a sample of 7 participants - teachers in adult education. Using the interview method in this research, the results showed that the participants attach great importance to the role of assessment in adult education. In teaching, they are mainly process-oriented, and the main criterion for choosing an assessment method is an adult learner, more precisely, a group of adult learners, which is heterogeneous and specific in relation to students at lower levels of education. Regarding formative assessment, despite its key elements being recognized in the practice of most participants, such as feedback, monitoring, communication, adult learners’ activity and continuity, insufficient familiarity with the concept results in large differences in participants' responses and flexibility in their performance. At the same time, younger participants with less years of work experience are being more familiar with formative assessment and its fundamental principles, and the same is evident in their practice. In formative assessment process, the role of the teacher remains important, while self-assessment and peer assessment is implemented by only few participants. However, due to their perception of the possibility of a greater role of students, and teachers, in the assessment process and due to the importance that participants attach to formative assessment in relation to the summative, it is necessary to work on the formal education of teachers to conduct formative assessment which, according to participants, contributed least to their competence to implement assessment in adult education. |