Abstract | In this thesis, I focus on the point of intersection between epistemology and food. To understand the complex food system in our contemporary world, I argue that we must turn to epistemology. Thanks to Alvin Goldman, from the seventies onwards, a new field within epistemology emerged – social epistemology, which focuses on the social aspect of knowing. Consequently, the gates for understanding the process of knowledge acquisition within the social world were opened. When one explores the relationship
between human beings and their surroundings, the topic of food emerges inevitably – it is packed with individual and collective beliefs, values, norms, prejudices, stereotypes, cultural representations, and overall collective imaginary related to food
production/consumption which is strongly inscribed into the social fabric. Taking into consideration the impact of climate change we are witnessing, the issue of food production, as well as of food consumption, emerges as a burning issue. In approaching
this topic, I propose “ecological epistemology” as a relevant tool for a deeper understanding of the complex issue of food. I consider epistemology to be a practical “apparatus”, applicable to real-world issues. More specifically, I view ecological
epistemology as a branch of applied/social epistemology focused on the analysis of foodrelated beliefs, both individual and collective, as well as on the tangible social problem of epistemic injustices resulting from the process of food production and consumption. I am interested in how one approaches and estimates information regarding food. Furthermore, how does one choose who to trust and on what grounds when it comes to food? How does one shape or change beliefs about food? Moreover, how does one continue to act upon personal beliefs, make choices, and create habits, thus leaving an actual material
footprint in the world? What are the epistemic injustices that occur along the way? As I see it, to grasp the complex issue of food in contemporary society, one must firstly attain the necessary tools for grasping this multidimensional matter. Economics, agriculture, nutrition, or food politics can be used as linear frameworks regarding food, but my intention is to go one step back, right to the source where beliefs are being formed and explore the power of cognition which operates within the multidimensional realm where power, selfknowledge, and epistemic injustice overlap. Therefore, the goal of this thesis is a comprehensive analysis and a layout of foundations for ecological epistemology which I perceive as a tool for grasping the complex realm of food. My intention is to explore foodrelated beliefs; understand how the beliefs regarding food production/consumption are generated and eventually changed both on an individual and collective level; and lastly, explore the roots of epistemic injustices based on food production/consumption. The key issue is to understand the realm of food which I will approach by questioning power, selfknowledge, social (in)justice, status anxiety, as well as collective food-related imaginary. Finding ground in applied/social epistemology, I maintain that ecological epistemology is an appropriate tool for understanding the complex and multilayered domain of food, as well as for detecting and understanding epistemic injustice which gives source to wider political injustice. As a solution for this complex issue, I propose virtue epistemology. |
Abstract (croatian) | U ovom radu bavim se točkom susreta između epistemologije i hrane. Naime, kako bismo mogli razumjeti složeni sustav proizvodnje i konzumacije hrane u suvremenom svijetu, smatram da se trebamo okrenuti epistemologiji. Zahvaljujući Alvinu Goldmanu, od 1970-ih pojavila se nova grana epistemologije – socijalna epistemologija, usredotočena na društveni aspekt znanja. Drugim riječima, otvorila su se vrata za razumijevanje procesa usvajanja znanja unutar društva. Istražujući temu odnosa čovjeka i njegove okoline, u tom se prostoru neminovno nailazi na temu hrane – vjerovanja, predrasude, stereotipi i
cjelokupan kolektivni imaginarij vezan uz proizvodnju/konzumaciju hrane, duboko usađen u društvo. Uzimajući u obzir utjecaj klimatskih promjena kojem svjedočimo, problematika proizvodnje i konzumacije hrane nameće se kao goruće pitanje. U pristupanju ovoj temi, predlažem „ekološku epistemologiju” kao odgovarajući alat za dubinsko razumijevanje
kompleksne teme hrane. Naime, epistemologiju vidim kao praktično znanje, primjenjivo na realne probleme i fenomene s kojima se susrećemo i shodno tome, ekološku epistemologiju promatram kao granu primjenjive/socijalne epistemologije usmjerene na konkretan društveni problem epistemičkih nepravdi koje proizlaze iz procesa proizvodnje/konzumacije hrane. Zanima me kako pojedinac pristupa i procjenjuje informacije vezane uz hranu te kako odabire kome vjerovati i na temelju čega? Kako oblikuje ili mijenja vjerovanja vezana uz hranu? Nadalje, kako djeluje na temelju vlastitih vjerovanja, vrši odabire, stvara navike, pritom ostavljajući stvaran, materijalni otisak u svijetu? Koje su epistemičke nepravde koje izranjaju tijekom tog procesa? Da bismo mogli uvidjeti kompleksnost problematike hrane u suvremenom svijetu, prije svega trebamo
iznaći alate kojima bismo pojmili multidimenzionalnost same teme hrane. Ekonomika, agronomija, nutricionizam ili politika hrane korisni su alati, međutim moja je namjera ići jedan korak unazad, na sam izvor nastanka vjerovanja te ispitati moć spoznaje unutar multidimenzionalne sfere gdje se moć, samo-spoznaja i epistemička nepravda isprepleću. Cilj ove disertacije je dubinska analiza i postavljanje temelja za ekološku epistemologiju. Namjera mi je istražiti vjerovanja vezana uz hranu: uvidjeti kako se generiraju i mijenjaju vjerovanja društva i pojedinaca prema proizvodnji i konzumaciji hrane te istražiti korijene epistemičke nepravde vezane uz hranu. Temeljno pitanje je razumijevanje teme hrane kroz pitanja moći, statusnu tjeskobu, društvenu (ne)pravdu i samospoznaju. Utemeljenu u primijenjenoj/socijalnoj epistemologiji, ekološku epistemologiju vidim kao alat za razumijevanje kompleksne teme hrane te za detektiranje epistemičke nepravde koja je
sam temelj šire društvene nepravde. Rješenje za ovu kompleksnu problematiku nudim kroz epistemologiju vrlina. |