Abstract | Mladen Kerstner ludbreški je književnik kojemu nesumnjivo pripada važno mjesto u hrvatskoj dijalektalnoj književnosti. Kerstner se na književnoj sceni pojavljuje u sedamdesetim godinama prošlog stoljeća, a piše tekstove u raznim književnim formama. Autor je scenarija za poznate serije Gruntovčani, Mejaši i Dirigenti i muzikaši. Ovaj se rad osvrće na njegov gruntovečki ciklus, koji čine djela čija se radnja odvija u imaginarnom selu Gruntovcu, u kojem žive popularni likovi Dudek, Regica, Presvetli i Cinober. Kerstner se koristi kajkavštinom i standardnim jezikom koji mu služe za gradnju trpkog, žuhkog humora. Često se uspoređuje njegov svijet sa svijetom Slavka Kolara koji je također bio okupiran ruralnim temama. U Kerstnerovu gruntovečkom svijetu prevladava patrijarhalni sustav, a svakodnevno se događaju fiškalije koje Dudeka i Regicu ostave s debljim krajem. Problematizira se odnos starih i mladih, položaj žena u društvu te se daje uvid u deagrarizaciju i školstvo. Na samom kraju donosi se pregled nekih običaja poput sajma, svadbe, krštenja i fašnika koji se pojavljuju u tekstovima iz Kerstnerova gruntovečkog ciklusa. |
Abstract (english) | Mladen Kerstner is a writer from Ludbreg who undoubtedly has an important place in croatian dialect literature. Kerstner appeared on the literary scene in the seventies of the last century, and wrote texts in various literary forms. He is the author of the well-known series Gruntovčani, Mejaši, and Conductors and Musicians. This work looks back on his Gruntovec cycle, in which the popular characters Dudek, Regica, Presvetlog and Cinobera live. His works are analyzed in order to gain an insight into his oeuvre, the setting of which is Gruntovec. Kerstner uses the kajkavian and štokavian dialects, which he uses to create a bitter, fiery humor. His world is often compared to the world of Slavko Kolar, and although they have many points of contact, the one thing they have in common is the status of village writers. In his world, the patriarchal system prevails, and fiscal scandals occur every day, leaving the protagonist in the dark. The relationship between the old and the young, the position of women in society is problematized, and an insight into deagrarianization and education is given. At the very end, there is an overview of some customs such as fairs, weddings, baptisms and carnivals that appear in the texts. |