Abstract | Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati povezanost angažiranosti u sportu i radne angažiranosti k/od bivših i aktivnih sportaša, odnosno, ispitana je razlika u radnoj angažiranosti, angažiranosti u sportu i upravljanju vremenom s obzirom na obzirom na vrstu sporta, spol i razinu natjecanja. Osim toga, ispitano je predviđa li angažiranost u sportu i upravljanje vremenom.
U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 369 ispitanika (M = 29.62, SD = 11.03), od kojih je 60.5 % ženskog (N = 223) i 39.3 % muškog spola (N = 145). Većina ispitanika bila je zaposlena (N = 188) ili su još uvijek studenti (N = 130), dok je 42 ispitanika imalo dualnu karijeru kao sportaši i zaposlenici. Upitnici korišteni u istraživanju su SES (angažiranost u sportu), UWES (radna angažiranost) i SUV (upravljanje vremenom). Istraživanje je provedeno online, a ispitanici su regrutirani putem društvenih mreža i sportskih organizacija.
Analizirani su podaci 368 ispitanika, od kojih se 344 bavilo sportom. Konfirmatorna faktorska analiza potvrdila je valjanost SES upitnika, uz visoke vrijednosti pouzdanosti samog upitnika i subskala (Cronbach's alpha > .70). Hijerarhijska regresijska analiza pokazala je da angažiranost u sportu i vještine upravljanja vremenom značajno doprinose objašnjenju radne angažiranosti (objašnjeno je 24 % varijance). Nisu utvrđene značajne razlike u radnoj angažiranosti s obzirom na spol ili razinu natjecanja dok je dobivena značajna razlika u radnoj angažiranosti s obzirom na vrstu sporta (timski/individualni), pri čemu su sportaši u individualnim sportovima angažiraniji nego sportaši u ekipnim sportovima. Također, dobivena je značajna razlika u angažiranosti u sportu s obzirom na razinu natjecanja pri čemu su angažiraniji pojedinci koji su se natjecali na višim razinama natjecanja. Nije dobivena značajna razlika s obzirom na vrstu sporta i spol. Nadalje, dob se pokazala kao značajan prediktor radnoj angažiranosti pri čemu su stariji ispitanici bili angažiraniji.
Rezultati pokazuju da viša angažiranost u sportu i bolje vještine upravljanja vremenom značajno predviđaju radnu angažiranost. Istraživanje potvrđuje važnost sporta i upravljanja vremenom na radnu angažiranost te daje podlogu i početak budućim istraživanjima u ovom području. |
Abstract (english) | The aim of the research was to examine the relationship between engagement in sports and work engagement among former and active athletes. Specifically, it examined the differences in work engagement, sports engagement, and time management based on the type of sport, gender, and level of competition. Additionally, it investigated whether sports engagement and time management could predict work engagement.
A total of 369 participants (M = 29.62, SD = 11.03) took part in the study, with 60.5 % female (N = 223) and 39.3 % male (N = 145). Most participants were employed (N = 188) or still students (N = 130), while 42 participants had dual careers as athletes and employees. The questionnaires used in the study were SES (sport engagement), UWES (work engagement), and SUV (time management). The study was conducted online, and participants were recruited through social networks and sports organizations.
Data from 368 participants were analyzed, of whom 344 were engaged in sports. A confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the validity of the SES questionnaire, with high reliability scores for the questionnaire and its subscales (Cronbach's alpha > .70). Hierarchical regression analysis showed that sports engagement and time management skills significantly contributed to explaining work engagement (accounting for 24 % of the variance). No significant differences in work engagement were found based on gender or competition level, while a significant difference was observed based on the type of sport (team/individual), with athletes in individual sports being more engaged than those in team sports. Additionally, a significant difference in sports engagement was found based on the level of competition, with individuals competing at higher levels being more engaged. No significant differences were found based on type of sport or gender. Furthermore, age was identified as a significant predictor of work engagement, with older participants being more engaged.
The results indicate that higher sports engagement and better time management skills significantly predict work engagement. The research confirms the importance of sports and time management for work engagement, providing a basis and starting point for future studies in this field. |