Abstract | Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi percepcije rodnih uloga učenika/ca i postojanja rodnih stereotipa o matematici. U istraživanju su provjeravani stavovi učenika/ca prema ekspresivnim i instrumentalnim osobinama i rodnim ulogama žena i muškaraca, stavovi o matematici kao muškoj domeni, stavovi o urođenim sposobnostima za matematiku, zatim stavovi vezani za odnos s nastavnikom matematike i na koncu, istraživanje je ispitalo obrazovna postignuća učenika/ca. Analize su provedene na podacima prikupljenima od 214 ispitanika/ca, od čega je sudjelovalo 38,8% (N=83) mladića i 61,2% (N=131) djevojaka, dvije prirodoslovno usmjerene gimnazije i dvije strukovne škole. Od toga je 41,1% (N=88) učenika/ca gimnazija, a 58,9% (N=126) učenika/ca strukovnih škola. Upotrijebljena su četiri mjerna instrumenta: instrument rodnih uloga, instrument koji ispituje stav djece o matematici kao muškoj domeni, instrument koji ispituje implicitnu teoriju urođene inteligencije za savladavanje matematike i instrument koji sadrži tvrdnje koje ispituju odnos s nastavnikom matematike. Dobiveni rezultati pokazali su da i djevojke i mladići percipiraju ekspresivne osobine tipičnim ženskim osobinama, a instrumentalne tipičnim muškim osobinama, dok djevojke iskazuju jače odbijanje ovakvih stereotipnih uvjerenja. Nadalje, učenici/ce se generalno ne slažu da je matematika pretežno muška domena te iako ne iskazuju uvjerenje da su za njezino savladavanje potrebne urođene sposobnosti, ipak usporedba rezultata pokazala je da su mladići skloniji tom uvjerenju od djevojaka. Također, rezultati upućuju na to da i mladići i djevojke percipiraju odnos s nastavnikom matematike kvalitetnim, a na koncu i mladići i djevojke pokazuju jednako obrazovno postignuće. Rezultati su komentirani s obzirom na školu koje učenici/ce pohađaju i spol te su uspoređivani s prethodno provedenim istraživanjima. |
Abstract (english) | The aim of this study was to determine the perception of gender roles students and the existence of gender stereotypes about mathematics. The study checked students' attitudes towards expressive and instrumental traits and gender roles of women and men, attitudes about mathematics as a male domain, attitudes about inborn math abilities, then attitudes related to the relationship with the math teacher and eventually study examined the educational achievement of students. Analyses were conducted on data collected from 214 respondents, of which participants 38.8% (N = 83) of boys and 61.2% (N = 131) girls, two natural aimed gymnasium and two vocational schools. Of these, 41.1% (N = 88) were gymnasium students, 58.9% (N = 126) were students of vocational secondary schools. Four measuring instruments were used: an instrument of gender roles, an instrument that examines the attitude of children about mathematics as a male domain, an instrument that examines the implicit theory of inborn intelligence to master mathematics and instrument that examines the relationship with the math teacher. The results showed that both young women and men perceive the expressive qualities typical feminine traits, and instrumental typical masculine traits, while girls reported stronger rejection of such stereotypical beliefs. Furthermore, students generally disagree that mathematics is predominantly a male domain, and although do not show belief that for her mastering are necessary inborn abilities, though comparison of the results showed that boys more likley show this belief than girls. Also, the results suggest that both boys and girls perceived quality relationship with math teacher, and in the end both boys and girls show equal educational achievement. The results are commented in regard to school that students attend and gender, and are compared with previous investigations. |