Abstract | Čovjek suvremenog doba i 21. stoljeća živi u vremenima naglih, velikih i brzih promjena te procesu globalizacije. Promjene zahvaćaju različite slojeve i područja društva, od onih znanstveno-tehnoloških do onih vrijednosno-moralnih i odgojnih. U čitavom tom kontekstu nalazi se i proces odgoja koji s jedne strane biva u krizi, a s druge strane pred izazovom.Mladi su svjedoci te krize, kao i brojnih promjena. Prije svega njihova unutarnja promjena, a onda i nagla promjena koja stiže iz okoline i globaliziranog svijeta imaju veliku ulogu na odgoj mladih. Odgoj mladog čovjeka svakako postaje izazov. Kako bi se pedagogiji vratila njezina odgojna komponenta, ovaj rad naglašava važnost upravo odgoja mladih. Kada je riječ o odgoju, svoje ključno mjesto zauzimaju formiranje osobnosti i odgoj za vrijednosti. Također, kako je čovjek cjelovito biće, rad se bavi i duhovnošću. Zrela osobnost, razrađen sustav vrijednosti i zdrava duhovnost, kao i življenje istih, predstavlja svojevrsni razvojni zadatak, zaštitni čimbenik pedagogije mladih inače, a posebice u društvu današnjice. Sve u svemu, rad nastoji ponuditi različite perspektive u razumijevanju mladih i njihovih potreba.Rad bi trebao poslužiti svima onima koji se bave odgojem mladeži u razumijevanju svega onoga što mladež proživljava te dati neke smjernice u pedagoškom radu s mladima. Ujedno,radom se želi kontekst vjerskih zajednica mladih približiti kontekstu suvremene današnjice i suvremenih mladih kojima ista zajednica može ponuditi brojne dobrobiti za njega, njegov razvoj, njegov život. |
Abstract (english) | The modern man, making his path through the 21st century, is living in a time of sudden,grand and swift changes and the process of globalization. The changes affect different layersand areas of the community, from the scientific-technological to the value-based, moral andeducational ones. Within the whole context there is also the process of education, being incrisis on one hand and in front of a challenge on the other. The young are witnesses to thiscrisis, as well as to the numerous changes. Prior to all comes their inside change, but as wellthe swift change coming from their surroundings and the globalized world. Education of ayoung individual is definitely becoming a challenge. In order to return the educationalcomponent back to pedagogy, this paper emphasizes the importance of youth education. Interms of education, the key points are formation of personality and education in values.Moreover, since humans are integral beings, the paper also deals with spirituality. A maturepersonality, elaborated system of values and healthy spirituality, as well as living by theaforementioned, represents a a kind of a development goal, but also the protective factor ofyouth pedagogy, especially in todays society. In sum, the paper tries to offer differentinsights in understanding the youth and their needs. The paper should make use to all of thosewho deal with youth education in the sense of understanding all of what the young are goingthrough, as well as giving some guidelines for the pedagogical work with youth. Moreover,the paper is aimed towards bringing the context of youth religious communities closer to thecontext of modern today and modern youth, to whom the aforementioned community canoffer numerous benefits for their development, their life and them as such. |