
“For All Things Change, Making Way for Each Other” – Modernism, Metatextuality and History in Flann O'Brien's At Swim-Two-Birds
“For All Things Change, Making Way for Each Other” – Modernism, Metatextuality and History in Flann O'Brien's At Swim-Two-Birds
Petar Sklepić
This thesis will examine how At Swim-Two-Birds employs and, at the same time, disrupts ideas of the Irish past and Irish culture to create its metatextual world, how it is influenced by Irish history and culture, and where Flann O’Brien ultimately fits within the scope of Modernism. This will be done by examining the turbulent period that is 20th century Ireland, the impact it had on author and the formation of Irish Modernism, as well as analysis of the novel itself, the metafictional...
„By“ used to introduce an agent
„By“ used to introduce an agent
Andrea Posavec
The preposition “by” has a variety of differing meanings. One should not, however, limit one’s knowledge of semantics and meaning to the lexical entries in a dictionary. In order to fully experience a language all the different aspects have to be included. A particularly important part of the meaning carried by the preposition “by” is the one denoting agency. Agency is a crucial element in the semantic roles of a sentence, especially in passive constructions where it is typically...
