Abstract | Motovun je u 16. stoljeću bio najveći grad središnje Istre, ujedno i granična točka između Republlike Svetog Marka i habsburške Istre. Venecija, pod čijom je bio upravom, brinula je o eksploatiranju Motovunske šume. Lutherove teze i katoličku reformaciju, pratila je crkvena protureformacija kako bi povratila ugled i čast Crkve. Tome su trebali pomoći odredbe Tridentskog koncila. Kako bi se osigurali i uvjerili da se one provode pape su slale posebno imenovane apostolske vizitatore u preglede župa i biskupija. Godine 1580. je Agostino Valier, apostolski vizitator postavljen od pape Grgura XIII., na svom povratku iz Dalmacije posjetio Istru i došao u Motovun. Glavna mu je zadaća bila proučiti i zabilježiti zatečeno stanje, ukazati na nepravilnosti te po mogućnosti odmah i poboljšati te stavke. Zajedno sa svojim prijateljima i suradnicima pregledavao je matične knjige, statute i račune bratovština te hospitala, ali i razgovarao s pukom i detaljno ispitivao navode o prekršajima.
On vidi plodnu zemlju, no i dalje ima siromaha za koje se brinu bratovštine i hospicij. Većina je bratovština u dobrom stanju, no treba se raditi na popravcima crkava za koje preporuča kamen već urušenih i nepopravljivih crkava. Klerici u Motovunu su bili cijenjeni od puka, bez skandala iza sebe izuzev župnika Jacobusa Goie za kojeg su svjedoci rekli da je imao više žena s kojima je najvjerojatnije imao i djecu. Pojedini su svjedoci čak svjedočili o seksualnim napastovanjima, nedopuštenom diranju vjernica tijekom ispovijedi, nagovaranja na „zabavu“ i slično. U spisima nije spomenuta Goiova kazna, no u Buzetu je Valier sličan primjer kaznio s pokrenutim kriminalnim postupkom, osudom od mjesec dana zatvora, visokom novčanom kaznom od 100 do 150 libara, suspenzijom od svećeničke službe, oduzimanjem beneficija te izgnanstvom iz župe i biskupije na pet godina. S obzirom na raširenost priležništva među svećenstvom, ove sankcije vrlo vjerojatno nisu nikada bile u potpunosti provedene. |
Abstract (english) | Motovun was the biggest town of 16th century central Istria. Simultaneously, it was a border between the Republic of Venice and Habsburg’s Istria. Venice, under whose authority Motovun was, was exploiting the Motovun forest. Luther’s theses and Catholic reformation period were followed by the Counter Reformation period to restore the reputation and honour of the Church. To that purpose were written the decrees of Trident. To ensure their usage popes had sent specially named apostolic visitators into inspection of parishes and bishoprics. In the year 1580 Agostino Valier, apostolic visitator named by the pope Grgur XIII, on his way from back from Dalmatia visited Istria and came to Motovun. His main task was to investigate and document the found conditions, point to irregularities and, if possible, immediately improve those features. Together with his friends and associates, he was examining registers, statutes and accounts of the hospice and brotherhoods, but talked to the people and researched in details all the allegations of offences as well.
He sees fertile land, but there are still poor people who are taken care of by brotherhoods and the hospice. Most of the brotherhoods are in good condition, but churches have to be repaired. For that, he recommends stone from the already collapsed churches or the ones beyond repair. Clergy in the Motovun were appreciated by the common people. They had no scandals with the exception of parson Jacobus Goia. Witnesses said that he had several women, and probably children with them too. Some even said that there were cases of sexual abuse, unpermitted touching of religious women during the confession, persuasion to some “fun” and similar. The documents did not mention Goia’s punishment. However, in Buzet Valier punished a similar example by launching a criminal process, conviction of one month in prison, high fine of 100 to 150 libars, suspension from priest service, taking the benefits and exiled him from the parish and bishopric for five years. Considering the full scale of concubinage’s examples among the priests, these sanctions most likely never completely came to life. |