Title (croatian) Predlošci za slike 17. stoljeća u zbirci Pomorskog i povijesnog muzeja Hrvatskog primorja Rijeka
Title (english) Models for 17th-Century Paintings in the Collection of the Maritime and History Museum of the Croatian Littoral in Rijeka
Author Marin Bolić
Author's institution University of Rijeka Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES History of Art
Abstract (croatian) U Pomorskom i povijesnom muzeju Hrvatskog primorja Rijeka 1987. godine formirana je Zbirka starih majstora koja sadrži oko sto trideset slika. Sačinjena je uglavnom od radova što su ih sakupljali članovi uglednih riječkih obitelji tijekom 19. i početkom 20. stoljeća, a manji je dio u zbirku pristigao iz riječkih sakralnih objekata. Riječ je o djelima relativno skromnih umjetničkih dosega, a već se inicijalnim istraživanjem utvrdilo da su neke od slika nastale prema grafičkim predlošcima. Kako sustavno istraživanje predložaka za djela iz Zbirke starih majstora Pomorskog i povije- snog muzeja Hrvatskog primorja Rijeka do sada nije bilo provedeno, iznesen je niz upitnih i problematičnih datacija i atribucija. Kada je riječ o slikama nastalim tijekom 17. stoljeća, utvrđeni su predlošci za prikaze Navještenja, Bogorodi- ce od Ružarija, Svadbe u Kani Galilejskoj, Poklonstva pastira te Bičevanja Krista. Navještenje je inspirirano grafikom Gi- ovannija Jacopa Caraglia (Verona, o. 1505. – Krakov, 1565.) ili nekom njezinom kasnijom derivacijom, dok je riječka Bogorodica od Ružarija nastala kopiranjem otiska grafike Domenica Marije Canutija (Bologna, 1626. – 1684.). Svadba u Kani Galilejskoj napravljena je pak prema Vannijevoj (Firenca/Pisa, 1599. - Firenca, 1660.) grafici iz 1637. godine ili jednoj od njezinih kasnijih derivacija, što su urezane prema famoznoj Veroneseovoj (Verona, 1528. – Venecija, 1588.) slici koja je danas izložena u Louvreu, a Poklonstvo pastira nastalo je prema bakrorezu Jana (I) Sadelera (Bruxelles, 1550. – Venecija, 1600.). Slika Bičevanje Krista nastala je kombinacijom istoimenog grafičkog lista i onog s prikazom Izrugivanja Krista. Obje su ove grafike djelo Jana (I) Sadelera, odnosno njegova kopista.
Abstract (english) In 1987 the Old Masters Collection was founded at the Maritime and History Museum of the Croatian Littoral in Rijeka, com- prising about one hundred and thirty paintings. It mainly consists of artworks once belonging to prominent Rijeka families that were acquired during the 19th and early 20th centuries. Only a smaller portion of the Collection came from the city’s religious institutions. These are all works of relatively modest artistic quality, thus the initial research revealed that quite a few were made after prints or more or less famous paintings. Since no systematic study of these models has hitherto been conducted, a number of questionable attributions and dates of execution concerning the paintings belonging to the Col- lection was proposed during the last decade of the 20th century. As far as the 17th-century paintings are concerned, the author has identified models for the paintings representing the Annunciation, Our Lady of the Rosary, the Marriage at Cana, the Adoration of the Shepherds and the Flagellation of Christ. The Annunciation was inspired by a print executed by Giovanni Jacopo Caraglio (Verona, ca. 1505 – Krakow, 1565) or its later derivation, while Our Lady of the Rosary was made after a print by Domenico Maria Canuti (Bologna, 1626-1684). The Marriage at Cana was painted after an engraving by Giovanni Battista Vanni (Florence/Pisa, 1599 – Florence, 1660) dating in 1637 or one of its later derivations. The engraving was, in its turn, made after the famous painting by Veronese (Verona, 1528 – Venice, 1588) exhibited today at the Louvre, while the Adoration of the Shepherds was made after an engraving by Jan (I) Sadeler (Brussels, 1550 – Venice, 1600). The Flagellation of Christ is a combination of a print of the same title and one depicting the Mocking of Christ. Both are work of Jan (I) Sadeler or by his copyist.
Keywords (croatian)
Zbirka starih majstora
Pomorski i povijesni muzej Hrvatskog primorja Rijeka
17. stoljeće
Keywords (english)
Old Masters' Collection
Maritime and History Museum of the Croatian Littoral in Rijeka
17th century
Language croatian
Language english
Publication type Scientific paper - Original scientific paper
Publication status Published
Peer review Peer review
Publication version Published version
Journal title Ars Adriatica
Numbering no. 9, pp. 75-88
p-ISSN 1848-1590
e-ISSN 1848-7459
DOI https://doi.org/10.15291/ars.2925
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:186:104175
Publication 2019
Document URL https://hrcak.srce.hr/231284
Type of resource Text
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2020-05-18 08:36:33