Title Odrednice kvalitete života osoba oboljelih od multiple skleroze
Title (english) Determinants of the Quality of Life among People with Multiple Sclerosis
Author Karla Pilat
Mentor Mladenka Tkalčić (mentor)
Committee member Barbara Kalebić-Maglica (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mladenka Tkalčić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Miljana Kukić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of Psychology) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2022-09-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology
Abstract Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati odrednice kvalitete života osoba oboljelih od multiple skleroze, odnosno utvrditi odnose između karakteristika bolesti i kvalitete života, povezanost dimenzija percepcije bolesti i aspekata patnje s kvalitetom života te medijacijsku ulogu aspekata patnje u odnosu između percepcije bolesti i kvalitete života. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 52 ispitanika prosječne dobi od 47.64 godine s dijagnozom multiple skleroze. Ispitanici su ispunili niz upitnika uključujući Upitnik kvalitete života oboljelih od multiple skleroze, Revidirani upitnik percepcije bolesti te Slikovnu reprezentaciju bolesti i
samopoimanja, a istraživanje se provodilo s članovima Saveza društva multiple skleroze, društava multiple skleroze iz nekolicine županija te s osobnim kontaktima istraživača. Trajanje bolesti značajno je negativno povezano s tjelesnom komponentom kvalitete života te je oblik multiple skleroze pokazao značajan efekt na tjelesnu i mentalnu komponentu kvalitete života.
Nadalje, dimenzije percepcije bolesti pokazale su značajnu povezanost s kvalitetom života. Identitet, vremenski tijek, posljedice i emocionalne reprezentacije negativno su povezane s tjelesnom komponentom kvalitete života, a osobna kontrola, medicinska kontrola i koherentnost povezane su pozitivno. S mentalnom komponentom negativno su povezane posljedice i emocionalne reprezentacije te pozitivno osobna kontrola, medicinska kontrola, koherentnost i percepcija pušenja kao uzroka bolesti. Nije dobivena značajna povezanost odvojenosti bolesti od pojma o sebi, dok je percepcija veličine bolesti negativno povezana s
obje komponente kvalitete života. Nadalje, percipirana veličina bolesti u potpunosti posreduje između posljedica i emocionalnih reprezentacija kao prediktora i tjelesne komponente kao kriterija, dok djelomično posreduje u odnosu između osobne i medicinske kontrole i koherentnosti kao prediktora te tjelesne komponente kao kriterija. Medijacijski efekti veličine
bolesti u odnosu između prediktora dimenzija percepcije bolesti i kriterija medicinske komponente nisu bili značajni. Na koncu, dobiven je značajan efekt percipirane veličine bolesti na tjelesnu i mentalnu komponentu kvalitete života i dimenzije posljedica, koherentnosti i emocionalnih reprezentacija. Hipoteze istraživanja djelomično su potvrđene, a rezultati doprinose saznanjima o multiploj sklerozi te identificiranju čimbenika kvalitete života oboljelih od multiple skleroze. Dani su prijedlozi za poboljšanja budućih istraživanja kao i prijedlozi psihoedukacija i poboljšanja rutinskih kliničkih pregleda, sve u svrhu povećanja kvalitete života osoba oboljelih od multiple skleroze.
Abstract (english) The aim of this research was to examine the determinants of the quality of life among people with multiple sclerosis, respectively to determine the relationships between disease characteristics and the quality of life, between the dimensions of illness perception and the aspects of suffering with the quality of life, and the mediating role of the aspects of suffering
in the relationship between the perception of the disease and the quality of life. 52 subjects with an average age of 47.64 years diagnosed with multiple sclerosis participated in the research. The subjects' task was to fill out a series of questionnaires, including Multiple Sclerosis Quality of Life Questionnaire, The Revised Illness Perception Questionnaire and Pictorial Representation of Illness and Self Measure Revised. The research was conducted on members of the Multiple Sclerosis Association, the Multiple Sclerosis Societies from several counties and also with personal contacts of the researcher. The duration of the disease was significantly negatively related to the physical component of the quality of life and form of multiple sclerosis showed a significant effect on the physical and mental component of the quality of life. The
dimensions of illness perception showed a significant correlation with quality of life. Identity, time course, consequences, and emotional representations were negatively related to the physical component of quality of life and personal control, medical control and coherence were positively related. Consequences and emotional representations were negatively related to the mental component and personal control, medical control, coherence and perception of smoking as a cause of illness were positively related. No significant correlation was obtained between the separation of the illness from the concept of self, while the perception of the size of the illness was negatively related to both components of the quality of life. Furthermore, the perceived size of the disease fully mediates between the consequences and emotional representations as predictors and the physical component as a criterion, while it partially mediates the relationship between personal and medical control and coherence as a predictor and the physical component as a criterion. The mediation effects of the size of the disease in the relationship between the dimensions of the perception of the disease as a predictor and the medical component as a criterion were not significant. Finally, a significant effect of the perceived size of the illness on the physical and mental components of quality of life and the dimensions of consequences, coherence and emotional representation was obtained. The research hypotheses were partially confirmed, and the results contribute to the knowledge about
multiple sclerosis and to the identification of quality of life factors in multiple sclerosis. Suggestions for improving future research were given, as well as suggestions for psychoeducation and improvement of standard clinical examinations, all for the purpose of increasing the quality of life of people suffering from multiple sclerosis.
multipla skleroza
kvaliteta života
karakteristike multiple skleroze
percepcija bolesti
Keywords (english)
multiple sclerosis
quality of life
characteristics of multiple sclerosis
perception of illness
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:186:756003
Study programme Title: Psychology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra psihologije (magistar/magistra psihologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-11-29 16:28:05