Abstract | Istraživanje je provedeno s ciljem ispitivanja uloge percepcije bolesti i katastrofiziranja u patnji osoba oboljelih od sindroma iritabilnog crijeva. Željelo se opisati obrasce uzroka bolesti koje oboljeli pripisuju razvoju IBS-a, ispitati povezanost dimenzija percepcije bolesti (posljedice, emocionalna reprezentacija, osobna kontrola, medicinska kontrola, koherentnost, vremenski tijek, cikličnost, psihološke atribucije i rizični faktori), katastrofiziranja i aspekata patnje (veličina i odvojenost bolesti) te ispitati posredovanje katastrofiziranja u odnosu dimenzija percepcije bolesti i aspekata patnje. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo ukupno 111 pacijenta iz KBC Rijeka i KB „Sveti Duh“ u Zagrebu, dijagnosticiranih sa sindromom iritabilnog crijeva. Istraživanje je provedeno u nekoliko dijelova, a ispitanici su ispunjavali niz upitnika, između kojih Upitnik percepcije bolesti, Ljestvicu katastrofiziranja te Slikovnu reprezentaciju bolesti i samopoimanja, važne za potrebe ovog istraživanja. Rezultati su pokazali kako osobe oboljele od IBS-a ponajviše vjeruju da do razvoja bolesti dovode psihološki (npr. stres ili brige) i rizični čimbenici (npr. nasljeđe ili navike hranjenja), a uzrok bolesti češće atribuiraju psihološkim čimbenicima, u odnosu na druge skupine uzročnih čimbenika. Ispitivanje povezanosti varijabli pokazalo je da je veća odvojenost bolesti od pojma o sebi povezana s manjom veličinom bolesti. Odvojenost bolesti negativno je povezana s emocionalnom reprezentacijom i posljedicama te pozitivno povezana s osobnom kontrolom, dok je veličina bolesti pozitivno korelirana s vremenskim tijekom, emocionalnom reprezentacijom i posljedicama te negativno korelirana s medicinskom kontrolom. Pozitivna povezanost dobivena je između katastrofiziranja i emocionalne reprezentacije, posljedica, psiholoških atribucija te veličine bolesti, dok je negativna povezanost dobivena između katastrofiziranja i osobne kontrole, medicinske kontrole, koherentnosti te udaljenosti bolesti. Naposljetku, dobiveno je kako katastrofiziranje potpuno posreduje u odnosu posljedica i odvojenosti bolesti, u odnosu između posljedica i veličine bolesti te odnosu između medicinske kontrole i veličine bolesti, sukladno očekivanjima. Hipoteze istraživanja djelomično su potvrđene, a istraživanje doprinosi razumijevanju IBS-a, identificiranju dimenzija percepcije bolesti i katastrofiziranja kao relevantnih čimbenika u zdravstvenim ishodima oboljelih, razumijevanju njihove povezanosti i njihovog doprinosa u objašnjenju patnje oboljelih od IBS-a. |
Abstract (english) | This research was conducted with the aim of examing the role of illness perception and catastrophizing in the suffering of irritable bowel syndrome patients. The aim was to describe the patterns of illness causes that patients attribute to the development of IBS, to examine the relationship between illness perception dimensions (consequences, emotional representation, personal control, treatment control, coherence, timline acute/chronic, timeline cyclical, psychological attributions and risk factors), catastrophizing and aspects of suffering (illness perception measure and self-illness separation), and to examine the mediation of catastrophizing in the relationship between illness perception dimensions and aspects of suffering. A total of 111 patients from KBC Rijeka and KB "Sveti Duh" in Zagreb, diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome, participated in the study. The research was conducted in several parts, and the participants filled out a series of questionnaires, including the Illness Perception Questionnaire, Catastrophizing Scale and The Pictorial Representation of Illness and Self Measure, important for the needs of this research. The results showed that people with IBS mostly believe that psychological (e.g. stress or worries) and risk factors (e.g. heredity or eating habits) lead to the development of the illness, and that they attribute the cause of the illness more often to psychological factors, compared to other groups of causal factors. An examination of the relationship between variables showed that a greater selfillness separation was associated with the perception of the illness as smaller. Self-illness separation is negatively associated with emotional representation and consequences and positively associated with personal control, while illness perception is positively correlated with timeline acute/chronic, emotional representation and consequences, and negatively correlated with medical control. A positive association was obtained between catastrophizing and emotional representation, consequences, psychological attributions and illness size, while a negative association was obtained between catastrophizing and personal control, medical control, coherence, and illness separation. Finally, it was obtained that catastrophizing completely mediates the relationship between consequences and self-illness separation, the relationship between consequences and illness perception, and the relationship between medical control and illness perception, as expected. The research hypotheses are partially confirmed, while the research contributes to the understanding of IBS, identifying illness perception dimensions and catastrophizing as relevant factors in patients' health outcomes, understanding their connection and their contribution to explaining the suffering of IBS patients. |