Abstract | Rad će se baviti analizom popularne kulture u Sarajevu, poglavito glazbe ali i tv produkcije,
80-tih godina 20.st koja je imala svoj naziv “Novi primitivizam”, te njihov utjecaj na društvo
tada ali i sada. Prvenstveno, analizom poruka koje su slali, probati će se utvrditi ukoliko su
oni bili društvena kontra, tj. način bunta prema društvu, sistemu i svemu onom što toj
generaciji nije odgovaralo ,referirajući se na prijašnje sarajevske buntovnike koji su imali
utjecaj na cjelokupnu svjetsku povijest. Isto tako utvrđivati će se dali je upravo taj bunt glavni
razlog njihovog konzumiranja danas, i dali je on razlog gledanja na Novi primitivizam kao
društvenu metaforu Sarajeva onda i danas. pravo stvaranje prepoznatljive slike Sarajeva, koja
je referentna u mislima mnogih kada se i danas spomene taj grad, jest moja glavna teza, bez
obzira na to odnosila se ta slika na prikaz svakodnevnog života običnog čovjeka, protivljenje
sistemu, ili idealiziranje grada i naroda. Rad će se fokusirati na utjecajima i porukama koje su
kroz svoj umjetnički opus članovi poslali društvu, metaforično ili ne, kao i teme kojima su se
bavili s kojima su se većina njihovih gledatelja i slušatelja mogli poistovjetiti, ali i tome u
kolikoj mjeri su te poruke bile prepoznate, cenzurirane, odnosno kakav je odnos sistem imao
prema tom pokretu. Glavnina rada obazirati će se na predvodnike pokreta koji su pripadali
prvenstveno tv i radio formatu samog pokreta, a zasebno bili dio čak 5 različitih muzičkih
skupina, te tim skupinama ovisno o prepoznatljivosti njihova rada unutar pokreta. |
Abstract (english) | The paper will deal with the analysis of popular culture in Sarajevo, especially music and TV
production, in the 80's of the 20th century, which had its name "New Primitivism", and their
impact on society then and now. First of all, the analysis of the messages they sent will try to
determine if they were social cons, ie the way of rebellion against society, system and
everything that did not suit that generation, referring to former Sarajevo rebels who had an
impact on world history. It will also be determined whether this rebellion is the main reason
for their consumption today, and he gave the reason for looking at the New Primitivism as a
social metaphor of Sarajevo then and today. the real creation of a recognizable image of
Sarajevo, which is a reference in the minds of many when the city is still mentioned today, is
my main thesis, regardless of whether the image referred to the everyday life of ordinary
people, opposition to the system, or idealization of the city and people. The paper will focus
on the influences and messages that members sent to society through their artistic work,
metaphorically or not, as well as the topics they dealt with that most of their viewers and
listeners could identify with, but also the extent to which these messages were recognized,
censored, that is, what attitude the system had towards that movement. The majority of the
work will focus on the leaders of the movement who primarily belonged to the TV and radio
format of the movement, and were separately part of as many as 5 different music groups,
and these groups depending on the recognizability of their work within the movement. |