Analiza ženskih rodnih uloga u romanima Ponos i predrasude i Jane Eyre
Graziella Gržinić Naslov ovog rada: „Analiza ženskih rodnih uloga u romanima Ponos i predrasude i Jane Eyre“ ujedno je i njegova tema. Ovi romani nastali su u, te pišu o engleskom društvu 19. st. – razdoblju velikog gospodarskog napretka, ali patrijarhalne društvene ideologije koja nije predviđala nikakva politička prava za žene. Upravo stoga smatram ove romane subverzivnom kritikom društva toga vremena jer njihove autorice, svaka na svoj način, izražavaju nezadovoljstvo prema tadašnjim...
Analiza životnog vijeka proizvoda
Marko Šterpin U ovom radu opisan je koncept životnog vijeka proizvoda od sirovine do zbrinjavanja, koji je prikazan i objašnjen kroz svoje 4 faze. Životni vijek proizvoda s aspekta troškova (Life-cycle-costing, LCC) sljedeća je metoda obrađena u radu, te je usporedbom halogenih i LED žarulja provedena LCC analiza. Definiran je pojam eksternalija, odnosno eksternaliziranih troškova, te su navedene vrste eksternalija koje postoje. Obrađena je metoda procjene utjecaja životnog vijeka proizvoda na...
Analiza: tko su i što su modni blogeri u Hrvatskoj
Lara Pajazetović Rad se bavi analizom digitalnog fenomena dvadeset i prvoga stoljeća, modnih blogova, s naglaskom na istraživanju jednog određenog modnog bloga pod nazivom Psychocouture, autorice Ane Karađole. U prvom su dijelu rada predstavljeni najvažniji sociološko-medijski teorijski okviri značajni za razumijevanje teme, dok je drugi dio posvećen konkretnoj analizi modnoga bloga na stvarnom primjeru osobe koja se time bavi posljednjih nekoliko godina. U svrhu sto boljeg razumijevanja modnih...
Analysis of Horse Idioms in the English and Croatian Language
Laura Štebih This thesis focuses on horse idioms featured in the English and Croatian language. It starts off with an introduction that deals with idioms in general, their usage and types. Subsequently, there is an overview of cultural influence that the horse has had on humanity and its development. In the past, it served not only as an indicator of wealth and social status, but also a symbol of fertility. When it comes to horse idioms, there is an abundance of them in the English language. They...
Analysis of Stanley Kubrick's 1980 Film Adaptation of the Shining
Timea Boroš The aim of this study is to analyze and compare The Shining, the 1977 novel written by Stephen King and the 1980 film adaptation produced and directed by Stanley Kubrick. The main issue considered is the subjective perception observable in the work of each of these artists. While Kubrick deliberately changed a myriad of elements to fit his own narrative, King was concomitantly quite upset with Kubrick’s interpretation of the novel and the artistic liberty he took with writing the...
Analysis of the Dynamics of Hospitality and Hostility in Hugo Hamiltons' Novel "Hand in the Fire" (2010)
Manuela Štefanac The thesis focuses on Hugo Hamilton’s 2010 novel, Hand in the Fire, and, in particular, on its protagonist, Vid Ćosić, and the dynamics of hostility and hospitality that he faces as an immigrant in Ireland. The thesis examines how he is portrayed, and
what this says about how Hamilton perceives Ireland’s behaviour as a host of immigrants. Immigration is something Hamilton and the characters Vid Ćosić and Kevin Concannon have in common, although all of their migrant situations are...
Analysis of the Occurrence of Errors while Interpreting English-Croatian and Croatian-English False Friends
Nika Barišić Ičanović The goal of this thesis is to analyze errors during the oral interpretation of false friends from English into Croatian and vice versa. The analysis of errors will be based on the results of three tasks, whereby the first task comprises an isolated word, the second task contains words followed by visual input and the third task includes sentences with false friends. This thesis aims to see whether or not the context and visual input will have an influence on errors made during the...