
Teslin transformator
Teslin transformator
Doron Ivanić
U ovom radu se dotiče povijest transformatora. Općenito je obrađen transformator kao električni uređaj s naglaskom na to kako i što koji elementi rade te je obješnjen princip njegovog rada s matematičkim opisom. Teslin je transformator na isti način detaljnije opisan, uz širi proračun njegovih elemenata.
Testo letterario, storico, sociale o utopistico? Genesi e risvolti della Carta del Carnaro
Testo letterario, storico, sociale o utopistico? Genesi e risvolti della Carta del Carnaro
Leo Nenadich
L’Impresa di Fiume di Gabriele D’Annunzio ha profondamente segnato e sconvolto il quadro politico e sociale di una parte d’Europa appena uscita dagli orrori della Prima guerra mondiale. Uno dei momenti chiave dell’Impresa è stata la stesura della Carta del Carnaro, un documento unico nel suo genere, scritto da D’Annunzio in collaborazione con Alceste De Ambris. Si tratta di una Costituzione promulgata durante gli ultimi mesi dell’Impresa e doveva fare da base all’entità...
Teškoće socijalne integracije djece s ADHD-om
Teškoće socijalne integracije djece s ADHD-om
Josipa Kovačić
Glavni cilj ovog rada je dati prikaz spoznaja o teškoćama socijalne integracije djece s ADHD sindromom a pitanje na koje se želi dati odgovor jest koje su i kako se očituju teškoće socijalne integracije djece s ADHD-om, koji su razlozi da do njih dolazi i koji su načini da ih se prevlada. Za potrebe rada će se provesti metode pretraživanja, čitanja i elaboriranja dostupne relevantne stručne literature eksperata koji se bave navedenom tematikom. Prilikom pretraživanja koristili su...
The Aesthetics of Oscar Wilde
The Aesthetics of Oscar Wilde
Altea Svjetličić
This thesis discusses Oscar Wilde’s aestheticism, exemplified in his only novel The Picture of Dorian Gray, his essays, lectures and fairy tales A House of Pomegranates. It starts off with an introduction in which a historic context of the aesthetic movement and Wilde’s life is provided. Further on, there is an analysis of the aesthetic movement and its significance in Oscar Wilde’s work, as well as a detailed description of the characteristics of the movement such as the new ideal of...
The African American Identity, Slavery, and Slave Narrative
The African American Identity, Slavery, and Slave Narrative
Natalija Vitez
The purpose of this thesis is to present the period of slavery and some hardships that African American people were faced with. But even more importantly, to show the awakening of their unique voice through slave narratives, inspired by African origins mixed with new American surroundings, not to mention fashioned by the life in bondage, being considered less worthy than whites, and finally the black resistance. In my research, I relied mostly on the works encompassed in The Cambridge...
The Anglicization of Croatian Language in Subtitles
The Anglicization of Croatian Language in Subtitles
Dora Pirtošek
The aim of this study is to examine English influence on the Croatian language through analysis of Croatian translation of 13 episodes of the Doctor Who series. Its influence was studied through the use of anglicisms in the translation of the English language. The first part of the study introduced translation methods, types of anglicisms, and subtitles as well as their benefits and disadvantages. Upon analyzing the corpus using three different dictionaries, the results showed that the...
The Attitudes of Parents Towards Early Foreign Language Learning
The Attitudes of Parents Towards Early Foreign Language Learning
Valentina Bago
This thesis reports the results of a study which explores the attitudes of Croatian parents towards early foreign language learning. More precisely, the aims were to determine whether Croatian parents have positive attitudes towards early foreign learning, whether they consider English as more important than other school subjects in the lower grades of elementary school, and if there is a relationship between parents’ age, level of education, the number of foreign languages they know and...
The Case of Elizabeth Bennet: Challenging the Notion of an Agreeable Woman in Modern Adaptations of Pride and Prejudice
The Case of Elizabeth Bennet: Challenging the Notion of an Agreeable Woman in Modern Adaptations of Pride and Prejudice
Irina Štefanić
Jane Austen's novel Pride and Prejudice (1813) is considered by many as one of the most notable novels in British literature. It deals with the socio-cultural climate of the early nineteenth-century Britain and the position of women in the society of landed gentry. The novels protagonist, Elizabeth Bennet is a female character written as a challenger of her society's idea of what an 'agreeable woman' ought to be. Pride and Prejudice has since its creation been adapted throughout various...
The Conscious and Unconscious Formation of Leopold Bloom's Identity in James Joyce's Ulysses
The Conscious and Unconscious Formation of Leopold Bloom's Identity in James Joyce's Ulysses
Ivan Vid Čakarević Kršul
Leopold Bloom, the protagonist of Janes Joyce Ulysses, is the modern Everyman by virtue of his mundaneness and hybridity. He is the son of a Hungarian Jewish immigrant and an Irish Protestant, and he has converted to Catholicism to marry the daughter of an Irish military officer and his Spanish wife. Bloom’s identity is nuanced. His religious beliefs are haphazard amalgamation of Judaism, Christianity and atheism; he considers himself to be simultaneously Irish and Jewish; and some of his...
The Criminal Responsibility of Persons within the Autistic Spectrum
The Criminal Responsibility of Persons within the Autistic Spectrum
Mladen Bošnjak
This thesis investigates, from a philosophical perspective, whether high-functioning autists are legally responsible for their crimes, with a focus on the legal defense by insanity. According to the Croatian Criminal Code, but also criminal codes adopted in many other countries, the legal responsibility of the person is undermined due to insanity when two conditions are satisfied. The first can be called the incapacity requirement. It states that a person, at the moment of committing the...
The Discourse on Victorian Patriarchy in Anne Brontë's Novel The Tenant of Wildfell Hall
The Discourse on Victorian Patriarchy in Anne Brontë's Novel The Tenant of Wildfell Hall
Nina Milevoj
As an English author, Anne Brontë was disregarded and left in the shadows for a very long time due to the loud echo of her sisters’ voices. But this does certainly not diminish the fact that her works are of great importance for understanding the social norms of the Victorian period, and it does not mean that she did not influence the work of many authors that addressed the subjects regarding the status of women in the Victorian era. It is well known that women had undergone serious...
