Strukturna analiza poredbenih frazema mjesnoga govora Klane
Marina Bratović U radu je prikazana strukturna analiza poredbenih frazema mjesnoga govora Klane. Nakon prikaza smještaja i povijesti Klane navode se dosadašnja istraživanja i značajke klanjskoga govora. Potom se navode ključni teorijski pojmovi u frazeologiji i do sad objavljena dijalektološka frazeološka djela. Slijedi strukturna analiza prikupljene građe. Poredbeni se frazemi dijele na trodijelne i dvodijelne. Trodijelni se dalje dijele na one sa strukturom frazemske sintagme (glagolski,...
Strukturna analiza poredbenih frazema u mjesnome govoru Vrbnika
Nikolina Butković U ovom je radu prikazana strukturalna analiza poredbenih frazema zabilježenih u mjesnome govoru Vrbnika koji pripada ikavsko-ekavskom dijalektu čakavskog narječja. Frazeološki korpus koji je prikazan u ovom radu prikupljan je ciljanim upitnikom i spontanim
bilježenjem. Prikupljeni frazemi podijeljeni su u strukturne tipove unutar kojih se provodi analiza prema različitim podtipovima. Najbrojniju skupinu čine pridjevski trodijelni poredbeni frazemi sa strukturom frazemske sintagme.
Strukturna analiza zoonimskih frazema u mjesnome govoru Sudovčine
Elena Jagić U ovome je radu prikazana strukturna analiza zoonimskih frazema zabilježenih u mjesnome govoru Sudovčine koji pripada varaždinsko-ludbreškom dijalektu kajkavskog narječja. Frazeološki je korpus prikupljen ciljanim upitnikom i spontanim bilježenjem.
Zoonimski su frazemi podijeljeni na strukturne tipove u okviru kojih se provodi analiza prema različitim podtipovima. Najbrojniju skupinu čini oblik sveze riječi pri čemu se brojnošću i raznolikošću posebice izdvajaju poredbeni...
Student Teacher's of English Viewpoints Towards Computer Assisted Language Learning
Marija Gojević-Zrnić Studies so far have focused on the effectiveness of CALL technologies and learners perspectives, while teachers were given a scant attention. This paper reports on a study that examined Croatian student teachers of English as a foreign language (EFL) viewpoints towards computer assisted language learning. The sample in this study consisted of 32 MA students of TEFL programme at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Rijeka. The findings reveal that the major challenges...
Student's Perspectives on Their Professional Preparation and School-Based Pre-Service Training
Lucija Peremin The aim of this thesis is to explore student teachers’ attitudes towards the MA in TEFL programme and their experiences of the EFL pre-service training at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Rijeka. Pre-service training is a central aspect of every MA in TEFL programme as it prepares student teachers for their profession. The participants in the study comprise 31 MA in TEFL students who have completed their pre-service training. The data on the student...
Students' Attitudes Towards Vocabulary Teaching Techniques at the Helen Doron School of English
Kristina Gajski English language teaching (ELT) today is in the post-method era. After trying to find the best language teaching method for years, it has been realized that the teaching of English should not adhere to a single method or be prescribed, rather, ELT should reflect students’ needs and aim at developing their communicative competence. Therefore, ELT incorporates the development of language skills, grammar, and vocabulary, among other. In line with this view, this study focuses on investigating...
Students' Perceptions of English Language Anxiety: Insights from the CLIL Classroom
Kristina Bašić The aim of this study is to examine language anxiety, or fear experienced by learners when
using a foreign language in the content and language integrated (CLIL) classroom. Although
CLIL has been rising in popularity in Croatia in recent years, there has been little research on
the CLIL classroom. Furthermore, most studies on language anxiety have focused on the
foreign language classroom. Given that the pressure of learning subject content and using a
second language...
Students' Perspectives on Oral Error Correction
Ena Stevović This thesis deals with oral error correction in the EFL classroom. First, the theoretical background provides definitions of errors, mistakes, accuracy vs. fluency in terms of task objectives, as well as peer assessment and techniques teachers use while correcting students’ oral mistakes. Then, the focus switches to the present study, which aims to examine students’ opinions regarding when they would like to be corrected, which errors they believe should be corrected, as well as what...
Studentski prosvjedi 1968.
Robert Šimonović Rad donosi povijesni kontekst i pregled događaja u pojedinim zemljama vezanih uz studentske prosvjede 1968. godine. Hladnoratovsko razdoblje kao i pokret za građanska prava u Sjedninjenim Američkim Državama predstavljaju povijesni kontekst, okvir unutar kojeg su studentski prosvjedi započeli. Događaji i ideje koje su nastale u ovom vremenu poslužile su kao polazište za akcije i djelovanja studenata u borbi za svoja prava. Također, rad donosi pregled događaja, svjetonazora,...
Studentsko sagorijevanje
Martina Ban Studentsko sagorijevanje u posljednjih nekoliko desetljeća sve više privlači pozornost u znanstvenom i društvenom kontekstu te predstavlja aktualnu temu mnogobrojnih akademskih radova na svjetskoj razini. U Republici Hrvatskoj tek započinju istraživanja na ovu temu i to ponajviše putem studentskih radova, no fenomen je sve češće prisutan među studentskom populacijom i zahtjeva pozornost šire javnosti i znanstvene sredine. Cilj ovog rada je ispitati prisutnost i vrste...
Study of Errors in the Usage of Temporal Prepositions among Croatian Speakers of English Language
Selma Elkasović This thesis presents the findings of a study concerning the usage of temporal prepositions conducted among Croatian speakers of the English language, students of English Language (and Literature) and students of other departments and faculties. Prepositions are a word class which denotes relations between entities. Their primary meaning is spatial, but oftentimes, metaphorical extensions of the meaning are derived from the primary one. Prepositions present a challenge to students and...