The Influence of English on Italian Examined Through Linguisticborrowing
Karlo Megec English as a global language has inevitably left its mark on other languages. In this paper, its influence on Italian will be examined, starting from the analysis of direct cultural contact between England and Italy, the effect of mediator languages, such as French, and the effect of borrowing from Latin into English. Italian is a Romance language and derives a great portion of its vocabulary from Latin but English has abundant words of Romance origin as well, which can cause the appearance...
The Influence of English on Italian Translated Texts: Corpus Analysis of Translated Journal Articles
Manuela Mihelić The growing power and influence of the English language are the major reasons for linguistic changes in other languages. Various languages are changing their structure and acquiring new lexical items under the influence of the English language. In translations from English, this interference is even stronger. Different studies have analysed various types of translations in order to categorise the interference and discover which language levels are most susceptible to the influence of the...
The Inter-genre Gothic Discourse of Bram Stoker's Dracula
Leonardo Pribić Cilj ovog rada je analizirati elemente koji sačinjavaju međužanrovski gotički diskurs u Bram Stokerovom roman Drakula. Ovaj će rad dati pregled najvažnijih sastavnica i stilskih obilježja gotičke fikcije i njezinih podžanrova. U radu će se protumačiti elementi gotičke retorike korišteni u romanu i pružiti uvid u likove koji predstavljaju različite aspekte osnovne gotičke fikcije. Rad će pružiti prikaz glavnih tema romana, zajedno sa mojim osobnim pogledom na Stokerove...
The Jezebel Stereotype
Ivana Obrazović In this M.A. thesis I will explore the development and meaning of the Jezebel stereotype, formed in order to control and exploit African American women. The reason I chose this topic was because the effects of it can still be seen today and are still present in everyday lives of African American women. The stereotype itself originated in slavery, over 300 years ago, and it is fascinating that the controlling images that were found then are still present today. The Jezebel stereotype portrays...
The Linguistic Anatomy of a Villain: A Discourse of Villainy
Dea Maržić From the beginnings of human culture to the multimedia environment in which we live today, stories have been used as powerful socializing and pedagogical tools, providing communities with clear patterns of acceptable and abhorrent behavior through their heroes and villains. For this to be effective, it was necessary to code such characters in a way that was immediately understood by the story’s recipients. One such code is the characters’ language and how it is used to create a cultural...
The Makeover in Hitchcock's Vertigo and Marnie
Sendi Kontošić This thesis will examine the idea of the makeover in Vertigo and Marnie and explore its function for the plot and characterisation. Namely, it will discuss the connection between the physical makeover and the change of character's identity as well as their mental and emotional state and the ways in which this contributes to movie's dynamic. It will also analyse the different uses of the makeover in these two films. Namely, in Vertigo, Judy is transformed into Madeleine twice, both times by...
The Making of Disability
Tino Vodanović This thesis is an investigation of the terms disability, inclusion-exclusion dichotomy, ableism, disability/ableist microaggressions. It also studies the general perception of persons with disabilities, highlighting the perception of persons with disabilities in Croatia. Even though the focus is on the Croatian context, it includes the global context. The aim of the thesis is to explore how these terms affect the general perception of persons with disabilities, and to consider the level of...
The Marriage Plot in Wilkie Collinn's The Woman in White and James Wilson's The Dark Clue
Maja Spasojević This thesis analyses the use of the marriage plot in Victorian novels, more specifically in Wilkie Collins‘s The Woman in White (1860), and its appropriation in James Wilson‘s neo-Victorian novel The Dark Clue (2001). By examining the marriage plot and its relationship to the changing notions of marriage in the Victorian period, the thesis offers a broad analysis of the gender dynamics in middle-class marriages as portrayed in these two novels. The analysis will be carried out through a...
The Narrative Contingencies of Wilkie Collins' the Moonstone
Monika Švegar The paper focuses on the analysis of the narrative contingencies of Wilkie Collins’ novel The Moonstone, as the landmark of detective fiction. Even though Edgar Allan Poe is considered as the father of detective novels, Collins was the first one to introduce a mystery novel with a detective, which was inspired by the “Road Murder” case of 1860. The Newgate novel and the sensation novel, which was inspired by real-life crime and closely related to the newspress, could be subsumed under...
The Notion Of Apperception throughout Modern Philosophy
Ana Borić In this thesis, I exhibit the emergence of the concept of consciousness (and self-consciousness) through René Descartes’ Cogito ergo sum argument. After a brief discussion about this argument and its significance, by analysing relevant background information concerning Descartes’ metaphysics, I move on to Gottfried W. Leibniz who is credited with creating the first substantial and fully formed theory of consciousness. The main topic of this part of the paper is Leibniz’s insertion of...
The Notion of Chance in the Narratives of Jack London and R. L. Stevenson
Iva Škunca Both Jack London and Robert Louis Stevenson are famous for a variety of literary work they produced in a relatively short time span. As we can establish a link between the two vagabond authors who both sought an escape from the routine and the conventions of the societies they only seemingly belonged to, we can also establish a connection between some of their most brilliant works, mainly those characterised by elements of adventure fiction. This paper deals with the most prominent themes...