Contrastive Analysis of Persuasive Language Techniques Political Speeches of Trump and Biden
Antonela Sobol The aim of this B.A. thesis is to explore which language techniques and strategies Donald Trump and Joe Biden used in their political speeches, in order to persuade citizens to sympathize or agree with them, and eventually to vote for them. In the theoretical part of this thesis, I will write about persuasive language techniques used in political speeches in general, whereas the
second part consists of the contrastive analysis based on Donald Trump’s and Joe Biden’s political speeches....
Coping with Distinguishing Features of Different Text Types
Monika Telebar For the purpose of obtaining a B. A. degree at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka, I have decided to translate four texts from Croatian into English language. The texts that I have chosen differ from each other in topic, intended audience and style of writing. The reason for this is my wish to tackle different problematic situations, especially the ones that are specific for a certain text type. A short introduction is provided before the translation itself to give the...
Cosmological Argument in Medieval Philosophy: St. Thomas Aquinas and Herman Dalmatin
Tvrtko Srdoc This work dealt with the analysis and comparison of cosmological arguments in St. Thomas Aquinas and Herman Dalmatin. The main goal of this work was to determine the existence (or lack thereof) of the cosmological argument in the work of Herman Dalmatin. On the basis of secondary literature, the main determinants of cosmological arguments (throughout history of
philosophy and in contemporary philosophy) were given. Then, the main teachings of the selected philosophers and arguments for...
Critical Discourse Analysis of Al Jazeera’s and the New York Times’ Online News Articles: ‘Israel Declares State of War’
Matej Ciler This thesis aims to explore Al Jazeera’s and The New York Times’ online news articles from October 2023 about Israel declaring war on Hamas. The aim of this analysis is to describe and analyse certain strategies that journalists of these two different media outlets employ in the representation of the events taking place on 7th of October 2023. The analysis of the online news articles was done following the tenets of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) (Machin and Mayr: 2012) and Discursive...
Crkva Sv. Marka na zagrebačkom Gornjem gradu - arhitektura i zaštitni radovi
Ivan Katranček Ovim radom predstavljena je povijest crkve svetog Marka u kontekstu mnogobrojnih obnova kroz koje je prošla. Zbog nerazjašnjene povijesti nastanka crkve sv. Marka, ovaj kronološki prezentiran rad uzima tatarske provale 1242. godine i nastanak Gradeca kao polazišnu točku. Glavna pozornost usmjerena je na razvoj crkve s naglaskom na konzervatorske prakse i standarde koji su se primjenjivali u određenom vremenu. Crkva je često bila pregrađivana i obnavljana zbog brojnih nepogoda, ali i...
Cro-dance: kontekst nastanka i utjecaji
Sara Blažić Rad se bavi kontekstom nastanka cro-dance glazbe u Hrvatskoj početkom devedesetih godina dvadesetog stoljeća. Rad obuhvaća povijesni, politički i nacionalni kontekst nastanka cro-dance-a, te analizira njegove žanrovske odrednice i povezanost s kontekstom. U sklopu rada je provedeno i istraživanje kojemu je cilj bilo doznati mišljenje publike o ovoj glazbi.
Croatian Learners of English as a Second Language and English Phrasal Verbs
Jasmina Klapić This thesis deals with the general belief shared by all students that phrasal verbs are hard to learn, because of various reasons: there are so many of them, they make no sense, their meanings are never straightforward, etc.
In this thesis the focus is on the definitions of phrasal verbs, numerous studies on the most adequate and easiest way to master phrasal verbs, the frequency of occurrence of phrasal verbs and finally, on an original research conducted for the purposes of this...
Croatian speakers' understanding of and attitudes to anglicisms
Damjana Kućar This thesis examines the status anglicisms hold among speakers of the Croatian language who use them and are exposed to them daily. The research was conducted among 130 Croatian seventh- and eighth-grade students and aimed to examine students’ familiarity with anglicisms present in the Croatian language, as well as students’ attitudes towards them. The research was carried out in the form of an anonymous questionnaire, consisting of closed- and open-ended questions. The results show...
Crte ličnosti, sposobnosti i korištenje slobodnog vremena kao prediktori profesionalnih interesa adolescenata
Petra Tamarut Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati doprinos crta ličnosti, inteligencije i načina provođenja slobodnog vremena u objašnjenju vokacijskih interesa, a uz to se provjeravala i inkrementalna valjanost načina provođenja slobodnog vremena povrh crta ličosti i
inteligencije. Istraživanje je provedeno na 263 učenika, polaznika osmih razreda Osnovne škole Vladimir Gortan u Rijeci, od kojih je bilo 128 učenica te 135 učenika. Korišteni su Upitnik za samoprocjenu profesionalnih...
Cultural Insights into Two Efl Coursebooks: Local vs. Global
Izabela Weber The primary aim of this thesis is to afford an insight into cultural elements incorporated into global and local EFL coursebooks. For the purpose of this paper, a descriptive content analysis was performed on Way to Go 4 Plus and Project 4 Fourth Edition, two EFL coursebooks which are widely used in the seventh grade of Croatian primary schools. All cultural references included in the aforementioned coursebooks were analyzed in terms of the following elements: the type of culture, cultural...
Cultural Minds and the Perception of Tourism Slogans: the Case of Croatian Slogans on the British Market
Željka Despot Albeit there being a growing need for surveys on the development of brand identity of countries who want to take a significant place on the world map of tourism destinations, there seem to be very few surveys on the Croatian tourism brand. Croatia aims towards an economic development with the help of tourism growth, and in order to achieve this it has to develop a unique brand as a tourist destination. This is even more important when it comes to specific markets such as the United Kingdom,...