
A Populationist Approach to Qualitative Social Research: Towards the Theory of Semiotic Stakeholding
A Populationist Approach to Qualitative Social Research: Towards the Theory of Semiotic Stakeholding
Marko-Luka Zubčić
The following thesis is an attempt at devising the theory of the social that would enable a method for qualitative social research. Qualitative social research is, for reasons that will be presented, a neccessary component of serious social science, but also of its instrumentalizations, such as the practice of policy-making. The thesis that follows tries to construct a formal framework within which a negotiation on interpretations of social situations can take place. It posits the social as...
A Qualitative Analysis of EFL Textbooks for Primary School Children in Croatia form a Sociolinguistic Perspective
A Qualitative Analysis of EFL Textbooks for Primary School Children in Croatia form a Sociolinguistic Perspective
Lucija Stambolija
The present study aims to provide a qualitative analysis of a selection of English textbooks used in Croatian early primary school education from a sociolinguistic point of view, given that this seems to be a perspective less frequently represented in the evaluation of foreign language textbooks. Through a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods, the study offers an analysis of nine textbooks belonging to three different series. The results indicate that, despite the significant...
A Translation of a Short Story from the Italian Language to the English Language and a Comparison with the Traslation from the Italian Language to the Croatian Language
A Translation of a Short Story from the Italian Language to the English Language and a Comparison with the Traslation from the Italian Language to the Croatian Language
Ena Turk
In this thesis, with the topic being the short story “La mummia”, written by Stefano Benni and published as a part of the collection of stories called Cari mostri, the main goal is to point out some of the major problems related to the translations of the short story into the Croatian language and into the English language. After the short overview of the author’s life and the important information about the short story and the book Cari mostri, follows the main body which comprises...
Acquisition of Passive in Second Language
Acquisition of Passive in Second Language
Tea Cerovec
This study explores the acquisition and use of impersonal passive constructions by Croatian students studying English language and literature. Impersonal passive voice, which is often used in formal and academic writing, poses challenges for non-native speakers due to its complexity and infrequent use. The aim of this research is to assess how students understand and apply this grammatical structure, with a focus on the accuracy and frequency of its use when rephrasing sentences. A survey...
Adaptacijsko objašnjenje izbjegavanja incesta
Adaptacijsko objašnjenje izbjegavanja incesta
Anja Jovanovska
Cilj mog diplomskog rada je prikazati što je adaptacijsko objašnjenje i na primjeru incesta iznijeti zaključak je li adaptacijsko objašnjenje dobro u svom definiraju izbjegavanja incesta (incest avoidance). Rad obuhvaća prikaz rasprave o objašnjenju unutar koje se nalazi podjela na znanstveno objašnjenje. Unutar znanstvenog objašnjenja nalaze se Hempelov''Covering law theory'', D-N model ( s Oppenheimom 1948. godine), I-S model, unifikacionistički, uzročno-mehanički model i...
Advantages of the Use of English in Advertising: Attitudes of Croatian Speakers
Advantages of the Use of English in Advertising: Attitudes of Croatian Speakers
Marko Modrić
English is most widely used language in modern advertising. Due to importance on a global scale, both political and economic, and association with modernity, urbanisation and quality, its status of the main language of advertising is not surprising. The purpose of this study is to enquire into consumers attitudes towards the use of English in advertisements (and compare them with those towards the use of Croatian). The data were collected by means of an online questionnaire administered to...
Afirmacijska akcija
Afirmacijska akcija
Tihana Kovačević
U ovom radu pokušala sam iznijeti temeljne postavke afirmativne akcije, njezin povijesni prikaz te argumentaciju koja leži iza nje. Korijeni akcije leže u američkoj povijesti, krenuvši od velike rasne diskriminacije pa sve do pokušaja njezinog ispravljanja. Ono što je godinama čekalo da se ispravi je napokon pokrenuto 60-ih godina programima afirmativne akcije. Ideja boljeg društva je potakla mnoge zakonske promjene koje su pak dovele do poznatih sudskih slučajeva o afirmativnoj...
African American Literature: Slave Narrative
African American Literature: Slave Narrative
Nina Milevoj
This thesis deals with the African American literature, but more specifically, it deals with the slave narratives. The aim of the thesis is to explore the African American literature but, more specifically, it focuses on the slave narratives, which present an important part of the African American literary tradition. The thesis is organized in five sections: the introduction, an overview of the history events and circumstances, four books chosen to give a detailed analysis of the slave...
Afrika u doba imperijalizma (1880-1914)
Afrika u doba imperijalizma (1880-1914)
Romana Gal
Ekspanzija Europe u drugoj polovici 19. stoljeća posljedica je mnogobrojnih promjena i napretka društva. Europske se sile sve više okreću kolonijama u potrazi za resursima, ali i za novim tržištem. No, osim prikupljanja dobara iz kolonija, kolonijalne sile istovremeno nastoje preuzeti i političku kontrolu na tim područjima. U ovome je razdoblju poraslo zanimanje za Afriku koja je do tada budila interes tek zbog trgovine, primarno robovima. No, nakon pokušaja da se u potpunosti...
Agency and the Supernatural in the Late Victorian Gothic Tales
Agency and the Supernatural in the Late Victorian Gothic Tales
Kristina Pende
This thesis will analyse the notion of agency and its relation to the supernatural elements in Gothic short stories “Dionea” (1890) by Vernon Lee and “Lot No. 249” (1892) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The aim of the thesis is to examine the agency of the characters and the way that the supernatural is used to portray it in these late Victorian gothic tales. The analysis shall be carried out through a close reading of the short stories, followed by their comparative analysis.
Akademska mobilnost iz perspektive studenata s invaliditetom
Akademska mobilnost iz perspektive studenata s invaliditetom
Nina Dujmić
Tema ovoga rada je akademska mobilnost studenata koja je istražena iz perspektive podzastupljene skupine u visokom obrazovanju, studenata s invaliditetom. Cilj istraživanja je opisati i razumjeti akademsku mobilnost studenata iz perspektive studenata s invaliditetom. U sklopu rada, provedeno je kvalitativno istraživanje među studentima s invaliditetom prijediplomskih i diplomskih studija na Sveučilištu u Rijeci. Istraživanje je provedenu u travnju i svibnju 2023. godine...
Akademski optimizam u predikciji radne angažiranosti, zadovoljstva studijem i akademskog uspjeha
Akademski optimizam u predikciji radne angažiranosti, zadovoljstva studijem i akademskog uspjeha
Morena Šuran
U ovom radu ispituje se odnos između dimenzija akademskog optimizma, radne angažiranosti, zadovoljstva studijem, akademskog uspjeha i akademskog odgađanja (prokrastinacije). U ispitivanju je sudjelovalo 157 studenata fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci. Ispitanici su pristupali istraživanju putem online-platforme Google Forms, rješavajući upitnik na skalama Likertovog tipa, procjenjujući u kolikoj se mjeri neka od tvrdnje odnosi na njih, tj. koja je čestina određenog ponašanja kojim...
