
Gender Dynamics in Recent Adaptations of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Gender Dynamics in Recent Adaptations of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Marija Prendivoj
This thesis analyses the representations of gender dynamics in the two contemporary adaptations of Jane Austen’s novel Pride and Prejudice (1813): the BBC miniseries Pride and Prejudice written by Andrew Davies and directed by Simon Langton from 1995 and the film Pride and Prejudice directed by Joe Wright and written by Deborah Moggach from 2005. By examining their different approaches, the thesis shows that both adaptations convey modern readings of Austen’s novel which showcase...
Gender-determined language differences between men and women
Gender-determined language differences between men and women
Jana Švarcer
The main goal of this thesis is to explore the relationship between gender and language and to identify possible gender-determined differences between men and women. The thesis is separated into two parts, the theoretical part and the practical part. The theoretical part lists existing theories and previous research made in the field of gender and language. Also, it provides definitions and explanations for the key terms used in the rest of the thesis. The second part consists of the...
Genderlinguistik: Unterschiede in Männer - Und Frauensprache am Beispiel einer empirischen Untersuchung für die deutsche Sprache
Genderlinguistik: Unterschiede in Männer - Und Frauensprache am Beispiel einer empirischen Untersuchung für die deutsche Sprache
Marija Plavčić
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem Thema der Genderlinguistik beziehungsweise mit den Unterschieden in der Sprache der Geschlechter. Das Ziel der Masterarbeit war es einen Überblick der Theorie zu schaffen und sie durch eine empirische Untersuchung zu überprüfen. Im Zentrum der Arbeit steht die Untersuchung verschiedener Texte, die von Männern und Frauen geschrieben worden sind. Die Sprache der Geschlechter wurde untersucht und miteinander verglichen. Das Thema der...
Generacija kao kulturalna grupacija
Generacija kao kulturalna grupacija
Jana Telebar
Završni rad obuhvaća analizu kulturnog fenomena generacija s fokusom na društvene formacije Baby Boomera, Generacije Y, Milenijalaca i Generacije Z te prikaz kako se izraženo prikazuje razlika i podjela tih generacija u društvu te je li podjela na generacije imala više utjecaja u Americi. Sveobuhvatna analiza uključivati će utjecaj današnje tehnologije i društvenih mreža, s pogledom na komparaciju što se tiče američkog društva i globalno, ali i lokalno u...
General Attitudes and the Approach Towards Academic Writing Assignments of Students of English Language and Literature at the Faculty of Humanties and Social Sciences in Rijeka
General Attitudes and the Approach Towards Academic Writing Assignments of Students of English Language and Literature at the Faculty of Humanties and Social Sciences in Rijeka
Antonia Levak
The aim of this research was to explore the general attitudes and the approach towards academic writing assignments of students of English language and literature at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka. The purpose of this research was to discover how students generally feel about academic writing, and how they feel about it regarding their writing skills. Moreover, this research aimed to find out how students approach their academic assignments in terms of steps they...
Genre Analysis of the YouTube Video Essay
Genre Analysis of the YouTube Video Essay
Franciska Ivić
This thesis focuses on the YouTube video essay from the perspective of genre analysis. The aim is to investigate recurring motifs and move sequences along with ways in which creators interact with their audience throughout these videos. By looking into these it will also seek to identify the values and goals present within this discourse community, and the possible origins of these features. In order to achieve this, this thesis will adopt the tenets presented by Swales (1987), Jones (2019)...
Geopolitičke, ideološke i identitetske odrednice Zapadnog Balkana
Geopolitičke, ideološke i identitetske odrednice Zapadnog Balkana
Jurica Vitković
U radu se analizira odnos koncepata geopolitike, ideologije i identiteta na specifičnom primjeru Zapadnog Balkana. Rad je moguće podijeliti u dvije velike cjeline od kojih se prva bavi teorijskim prikazom i analizom ključnih geopolitičkih pojmova od njezinog nastanka i razvojnog puta do današnjih promišljanja njezine funkcije. Osim geopolitike, značajno mjesto prvog dijela zauzima pregled razvoja ideologije s pripadajućim konceptima; na koji način je ideologija postala jedan od...
Georg Büchner: Woyzeck od dramskog teksta do kazališne predstave i kritike
Georg Büchner: Woyzeck od dramskog teksta do kazališne predstave i kritike
Antonia Svetina
U radu se vrši analiza dramskog teksta Georga Büchnera Woyzeck temeljem teorijskog instrumentarija predstavljenog u djelu Manfreda Pfistera Drama, teorija i analiza. Analizirani se dramski tekst dovodi u vezu s predstavom riječkog HNK Ivana pl. Zajca Woyzeck premijerno prikazanom 12. siječnja 2018. godine u režiji Anice Tomić i dramaturgiji Jelene Kovačić. Odabrana je predstava samostalno analizirana na temeljima ranije imenovana Pfisterova djela uz konzultiranje djela Marca de...
Germanismen im kroatischen Zwischenmuhrgebiet
Germanismen im kroatischen Zwischenmuhrgebiet
Zdravka Benko
Das Thema der vorliegenden Arbeit sind Germanismen im kroatischen Zwischenmuhrgebiet. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, mit Hilfe einer Fragebogenuntersuchung und Liste etablierter Germanismen festzustellen, inwieweit die deutsche Sprache in der kroatischen, bzw. Sprache der Bewohner des Zwischenmuhrgebiets, verankert ist. Im theoretischen Teil der Arbeit werden zuerst die kroatischdeutschen Sprachkontakte erläutert, danach werden deutsche Lehnwörter in Kroatien erwähnt, wie auch überregionale...
Germanismen in Lobor
Germanismen in Lobor
Kristina Orečić
Rad ne sadrži sažetak.
