Sažetak | Turbofolk, kao kulturološki i/ili sociološki fenomen jedan je od najrasprostranjenijih i
najutjecajnijih na prostoru bivše SFRJ (Plantak, 2020:2). Popularnost i rasprostranjenost
turbofolka datira u 90-te godine prošlog stoljeća kada je doživio svoj uzlet, a navedeno traje još
i danas, više od tri desetljeća kasnije. Utjecaj turbofolka vidljiv je u stavovima i načinu života
većinom mlađe populacije. Pri izradi rada koristila sam se sadržajnom analizom tekstova
pjesama, vizualnom analizom video spotova koji prate turbofolk glazbu te literaturom s
fokusom na ženama i konstrukciji njihova identiteta. Cilj rada jest ispitati kako se ženski
identitet konstruira u turbofolku, kako on kao fenomen utječe na stvaranje ženskog identiteta te
moguće rodne stereotipe. U turbofolk kulturi se ženski identitet konstruira temeljem
općeprihvaćenih rodnih uloga i očekivanja koji se već čine internaliziranim. Turbofolk je već u
samim početcima odražavao hijerarhijski poredak gdje su muškarci pri vrhu, a još uvijek
odražava istu rodnu dinamiku koja je dominantna. Stjecanjem ekonomske neovisnosti koja je
vrlo često opjevana u turbofolk pjesmama te konstrukcijom „novog “identiteta koji uključuje
rad na svome izgledu te koji je prikazan u brojnim video spotovima turbofolk pjesama žene se
pokušavaju približiti muškarcima i svrgnuti postojeću rodnu dinamiku. Unatoč pokušajima
rušenja davno uspostavljene rodne hijerarhije u turbofolku žene moraju prihvatiti uvriježene
kulturne obrasce koji se već odavno shvaćaju potpuno prirodnim kako bi potvrdile svoj
identitet |
Sažetak (engleski) | Turbofolk, as a cultural and/or sociological phenomenon, is one of the most widespread and
influential in the area of the ex SFRJ (Plantak, 2020:2). The popularity and prevalence of
turbofolk dates back to the 90’s, when it experienced its rise, and its rise continues even today,
more than three decades later. The influence of turbofolk is visible in the attitudes and lifestyle
of the mostly younger population. When creating the paper work, I used content analysis of
song texts, visual analysis of video clips accompanying turbofolk music, and literature with a
focus on women and the construction of their identity. The aim of the paper is to examine the
position of women in society, how much influence turbofolk as a phenomenon has on the
creation of female identity and possible gender stereotypes. In turbofolk culture, female identity
is constructed based on generally accepted gender roles and expectations that seem to have
already been internalized. From the very beginning, turbofolk reflected a hierarchical order
where men are at the top, and it still reflects the same gender dynamic that is dominant. By
gaining economic independence, which is very often sung in turbofolk songs, and by
constructing a "new" identity that includes working on one's appearance and which is shown in
numerous video clips of turbofolk songs and by constructing a "new" identity that includes
working on one's appearance and which is shown in numerous video clips of turbofolk songs,
women try to get closer to men and break the existing gender dynamics. Despite the attempts
to destroy the long-established gender hierarchy in this area, women, based on cultural and
social patterns, must accept established cultural patterns that have long been understood as
completely natural in order to confirm their identity. |