Abstract | Fokus rada je na ekologiji, odnosno ekološkim problemima s kojima se susreće suvremeno društvo, kao i važnosti senzibiliziranja šire zajednice o takvim problemima koji su sve češći. Odlučila sam se za istraživanje ideološkog aspekta ekologije. Osim ideologije ekološkog načina življenja orijentirala sam se i na druge vrste ideologija koje su u svezi s ekologijom, poput ekološkog marksizma, ekofeminizma i konzumerizma. No ipak, glavni fokus rada je na ideologiji ekološkog načina življenja te sam nastojala predočiti ideje, vjerovanja i prakse koje se proizvode unutar odabrane eko zajednice. Samim time, unutar ovog rada orijentirala sam se na jedan posve drugačiji način življenja, unutar kojeg ekologija vodi glavnu riječ. Sukladno tome, nastoji se živjeti u skladu s prirodom, a sve kako bi se smanjilo onečišćenje i degradacija prirode i okoliša kojim smo determinirani. Jedan od takvih alternativnih načina življenja odnosi se na eko zajednice. Unutar ovog rada fokusirala sam se na primjer jedne eko zajednice, gdje sam nastojala prikazati sustav i pravila funkcioniranja odabrane zajednice, koja u velikom broju uključuju uzgoj vlastite hrane, obrađivanje zemlje po načinu biodinamike i permakulture, slavlje solsticija i ekvinocija, izgradnju održivih objekta, odnosno pozivaju na život u harmoniji s prirodom. Odabranu eko zajednicu prikazala sam koristeći se pritom uvidima antropologije prostora, točnije trijalektikom prostornosti. Osvrtom na dotičnu zajednicu, nastojala sam prikazati uvjete postojanja drugačije zajednice. Ona u kojoj postaje nepoznanica užurbanost i jurnjava gradskog načina života. Pobornici eko zajednica nastoje voditi život tako da ne izrabljuju i uništavaju prirodu, već surađuju s njom. |
Abstract (english) | In my research, I have decided to focus on ecology, that is, environmental problems that modern society faces. As well as the importance of sensitizing the wider community about such increasing problems. I decided to explore the ideological aspect of ecology. In addition to the ideology of ecology, I have focused on other types of ideologies related to ecology, such as ecological Marxism, ecofeminism, and consumerism. However, the main focus of the work is on the ideology of ecology, so I tried to present the ideas, beliefs and practices that are produced within the selected ecovillage. Therefore, within this work I have focused on a completely different way of life, within which ecology has the main word. Accordingly, it seeks to live in harmony with nature, all in order to reduce the pollution and degradation of nature and the environment by which we have been determined. One such alternative way of living includes ecovillages. Within this paper, I focused on an ecovillage, where I tried to demonstrate their system and rules of operation, which in large part include the cultivation of their own food, the cultivation of the land in the manner of biodynamics and permaculture, the celebration of solstices and equinoxes, construction of sustainable objects, that is, they call for a life in harmony with nature. I presented the selected eco community using the insights of the anthropology of space, namely the trialectics of spatiality. Looking at the community in question, I tried to show the conditions for the existence of a different community. The one where the hustle and bustle of the urban lifestyle becomes unknown. Eco community advocates strive to lead life not by exploiting or destroying nature, but by cooperating with it. |