Abstract (croatian) | Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati postoje li razlike u ciljnim orijentacijama, uvjerenju o djelovanju, emocijama postignuća, aspektima zadovoljstva te školskom uspjehu između učenika koji se školuju po redovnom programu uz individualizirane postupke i učenika koji se školuju po redovnom programu te ispitati doprinos motivacijskih i emocionalnih čimbenika u objašnjenju zadovoljstva i školskog uspjeha učenika redovnih programa uz individualizirane postupke. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 417 učenika koji se školuju po redovnom programu uz individualizirane postupke (27.1% djevojaka) te 448 učenika iz redovnih programa (27.9% djevojaka) odabranih metodom slučajnih brojeva iz slučajnog uzorka vodeći računa o razredu (sedmi i osmi razredi osnovne škole te prvi i drugi razredi srednje škole) i spolu. Učenici su ispunjavali upitnik ciljnih orijentacija, skalu uvjerenja o djelovanju, upitnik emocija postignuća te dali procjenu zadovoljstva životom, sobom kao učenikom i odnosima s drugim učenicima, a dali su i podatke o školskom uspjehu. Rezultati analize varijance pokazuju da učenici koji se školuju po redovnom programu uz individualizirane postupke u manjoj mjeri izražavaju ekstrinzičnu orijentaciju na učenje te u manjoj mjeri procjenjuju da imaju dovoljno sposobnosti za postizanje uspjeha u školi, a imaju i slabiji školski uspjeh te niže zadovoljstvo životom, zadovoljstvo sobom kao učenikom te zadovoljstvo odnosom s drugim učenicima. Rezultati hijerarhijskih regresijskih analiza pokazuju da ciljne orijentacije, uvjerenja o djelovanju te emocije postignuća u većoj mjeri objašnjavaju zadovoljstvo sobom kao učenikom nego školski uspjeh. Pritom su se ciljne orijentacije pokazale važnijima za školski uspjeh (intrinzična i ekstrinzična orijentacija na učenje, izbjegavanje rada),
a uvjerenja o djelovanju (procjena truda) za zadovoljstvo sobom kao učenikom. |
Abstract (english) | The aim of this study was to examine whether achievement goal orientations, agency beliefs, achievement emotions, aspects of satisfaction, and academic achievements differ between students attending the regular individualised school programmes and those attending the regular programme, as well as to determine the contribution of motivational and emotional factors in explaining satisfaction and academic achievements of students attending the regular individualised school programme. The sample comprised of 417 students enrolled in a regular individualised school programme (27.1% girls) and a comparison group of 448 students enrolled in a regular programme (27.9% girls). The comparison group of students was selected from a random sample using the random number method, while taking grade (seventh and eighth grades of primary school, and first and second grades of secondary school) and gender into account. The students completed a Goal Orientation Questionnaire, the Agency Beliefs Scale, and an Achievement Emotions Questionnaire, assessed their satisfaction with life, with themselves as students, and with their relationships with other students, as well as provided information about their academic achievements. The results of a two-way analysis of variance indicate that students attending the regular individualised school programme have lower mastery-extrinsic orientation, tend to underestimate their ability to be successful in school, and record lower academic achievements, as well as lower satisfaction with life, with themselves as students, and with their relationships with other students. The findings of the hierarchical regression analyses demonstrate that goal orientations, agency beliefs, and achievement emotions explain satisfaction with oneself as a student to a larger extent than academic achievements. In this regard, goal orientations have proved to be more significant for academic achievement (mastery-intrinsic and mastery-extrinsic orientation, work avoidance), while agency beliefs (effort assessment) are more significant for satisfaction with oneself as a student. |