Title (croatian) | Hrvatsko pomorsko nazivlje : Božo Babić i njegovi prethodnici i nastavljači |
Author | Diana Stolac |
Author's institution | University of Rijeka Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of Croatian Language and Literature) |
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline | HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology |
Abstract (english) | This book aims at contributing to the revival of the importance of the maritime characteristics of Croatia, and of one segment in particular - the Croatian maritime terminology. Centuries have passed between the first recording of maritirne
terms in dictionaries and literary works and the systematic work on maritime terminology Nevertheless, even the first maritime terms recorded pointed out to the importance of the whole Croatian area as a maritime area, although administratively divided in that period. Therefore, it is not right to refer only to authors corning from the littoral part of the country, since there are many words and terms of maritame origin that one can come across even in the 17th century dictionanes, the author is of which are "inlanders". These words and terms are only partly phonologically adapted to the system of other dialects. Only from the middle of the 19th century on, we can speak of a systematic work on the collection and recording of the maritirne terminology, especially through the reorganization of the maritime school system. Therefore, we have presented, very briefly the work of nautical schools, primarily of the two ones located in Bakar and Rijeka. Namely, the headmasters of the two schools were the first enthusiasts who started to work on the maritime terminlogy. And 1t was the nautical school at Bakar to introduce the Croatian hanguage as a subject for the first time, and it was there that many teachers started to collect Croatian maritime terms, especially those refering to the hull and the set of sails. lt was the school where the Croatian language was introduced for the first time as a language for specific purposes and it was the school where all classes were realized in the Croatian language pursuant to the decision made by the Croatian government in 1917. In 1852 Jakov Antun Mikoe, a teacher from Rijeka, was the first man who had tried to produce a maritime dictionary. He had collected more than thousand words on 80 pages dealing with the ship's manoeuvre. Therefore, in the history of the Croatian maritime affairs, he was considered as the author of the first maritirne dictionary written in the Croatian language, which, unfortunately, remained in manuscript. The author of the first printed maritime dictionary written in the Croatian language in 1870 was Božo Babić, a teacher from the nautical school at Bakar. lt was only seven years after the issue of the first maritime dictionary published in the ltalian language. And that was not the only dictionary he worked on - he published them five. Two were general maritime dictionaries, framing the two specialized dictionaries written by Babić and a maritirne travelrecord, especially interesting for a large number of lexicographically important notes and supplements - the only (although very small) maritime dictionary with entries given in the Croatian language. Božo Babić was collecting, recording and sorting maritirne terms for more than 40 years, and while bringing one part of his job to an end, he published the results obtained. The Croatian terms were given in relation to the Italian ones, since the Italian maritime terminology was the most developed one on the Mediterranean and the official technical terminology in use in Croatian nautical schools. In some dictionaries these terms were given in relation to the German terminology. By doing so he pointed out that the Croatian language had fulfilled the basic prereqiusite conditions for the formahon of the maritime technical terminology. He influenced other people to do the same work and paved the way to the maritime terminology being formed as a system. His main aims were clearly presented in the platforms written as prefaces of his books. The farmer researchers considered the lexicographic concept of Božo Babić as a puristic one, and named him and his followers as the Bakar school of extreme purism. Our analysis has confirmed this opinion and has ponted out to the type of considerations that Babić took when speaking about the standard language. Therefore, the approach to the principal lexicographic orientation determined by
Bogoslav Šulek, was a completely understandable approach. On the other hand, the analysis has denied some statements,
found in literature, on Božo Babić as the one who recorded the local maritime terminology of Senj. But, according to the very concept of the standard language formed by Božo Babić, which excludes everything of a local character, its comparison with the maritime lexic of Senj is in great discrepancy. lt was also very interesting to see what had happened with the formation of the Croatian maritime terminalogy after the issue of the dictionary by Božo Babić in 1870 - what type of lexicagraphic concepts were realized and did the following generations inherit the terminological solutions of Božo Babić.
Theretore, this book on the works of Božo Babić could not be completed at the beginning of the 20th century, since the answers to these questions were sought. The most significant opponent to Božo Babić in the choice of the possible ways in lexicography was Juraj Carić, a teacher at the nautical school at Bakar and a travel writer, author of the first technical
maritime textbooks written in the Croatian language. His choice was the adaptation of the characteristic customary terms, mainly of ltalian origin, used by ordinary sailors as a jargon - the so called "noštromizmi". These two different concepts of lexicology - the one of Božo Babić and the other of Juraj Carić - were put for the first time on a very strong test in 1921, at the time when a large maritime poll was carried out at Bakar and when the new maritime dictionary was worked out. Rudolf Crnić, the author, accepted the concept of Božo Babić, namely, the concept of searching Croatian terms for the types of ships, ship' s component parts and equipment. At the same time, he did not aceept the sailor's jargon - the "noštromizmi", in the same way as they will not be accepted by the later followers of the Bakar school of extreme purism. Among them we shall find, in the first place, those whose work is intended for the study of the maritime vocational field. Therefore, this terminology has been in use in textbooks and encyclopedic editions during the whole 20th century. This is also the characteristic of the collected and stored material on maritime terminology, issued in 1955, including more than four and a half thousand Croatian terms. But the constant persistence of these two terminlogical systems the whole century through, asked for a reconcilement. Therefore, newly issued dictionaries follow the prescribed rules of the standardisation of Croatian forms, but do record the sailor' s jargon too - the "noštromizmi" . In such dictionaries a seafarer can then find the terminology he had learned not only during his schooling penod but at his arrival on board a ship as well. The can found these both terminologies in the maritime dictionary by Radovan Vidov1c, who collected and presented this treasure of the late centuries together with the local terms, mostly belonging to the chakavian or štokavian dialect and recorded in a number of small ports and shipyards, among fishermen and ratings. And it is the English language that has become the new reality m the world of maritime communication. The very first studies into the English language began at the Bakar nautical school by the end of the 19th century. Today, it is impossible to imagine a seafarer without having a sound knowledge of the English language. As well as without being well trained in new technologies, new ways in navigation, new ways of transporting passengers and cargoes, ... The saling boats of Božo Babić are today pure museum exhibits, ships to be employed in romantic voyages, sport competitions or some similar events. But their economic efficiency and utilization
level decreased very much already in the last century with the appearance of a steamship, while new discoveries had very soon driven them both back. And with them even their terminology. It is with this book that we aimed at trying not to allow
the beautiful sailing boats and their complex system of masts, sails and riggings to fall into oblivion. |
Keywords (croatian) | |
Language | croatian |
Publication type | Authored book-Scientific book-Scientific monograph |
Publication status | Published |
Peer review | Peer review |
Publication version | Published version |
Series title | Biblioteka Dometi. Nova serija, velika edicija |
Numeration of series or publishing unit | 128 |
Pages | 171 |
ISBN | 953-6066-59-9 (tiskano izdanje) |
URN:NBN | urn:nbn:hr:186:917541 |
Printed book publication date | 1998 |
Type of resource | Text |
Publisher | Izdavački centar Rijeka |
Publishing place | Rijeka |
Access conditions | Open access |
Terms of use | ![]() |
Created on | 2024-05-17 10:26:48 |