Title Uloga odgojitelja u poticanju razvoja kompetencije kritičkog mišljenja kod djece predškolske dobi
Title (english) The role of educators in encouraging the development of critical thinking competence in preschool children
Author Marina Milanović
Mentor Iva Buchberger (mentor)
Committee member Jasminka Zloković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Miočić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of Pedagogy) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2024-09-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy
Abstract Tema je ovoga diplomskog rada uloga odgojitelja u poticanju razvoja kompetencije kritičkog mišljenja kod djece predškolske dobi. U prvome, teorijskome dijelu rada prikazuju se različita definiranja i shvaćanja koncepta kritičkog mišljenja s naglaskom na njegovo shvaćanje kao kompetencije, zatim pregled razvojnih karakteristika djece predškolske dobi koje impliciraju na povezanost s elementima kompetencije kritičkog mišljenja te opis uloge i zadataka odgojitelja u poticanju razvoja kompetencije
... More kritičkog mišljenja kod djece predškolske dobi. Drugi je dio rada empirijski dio koji obuhvaća metodologiju istraživanja te prikaz i interpretaciju rezultata istraživanja uz raspravu. Na kraju, izneseni su glavni zaključci prema postavljenim istraživačkim pitanjima te je istaknut doprinos istraživanja, ali i njegova ograničenja. Cilj je ovog istraživanja bio steći uvid u percepcije odgojitelja o njihovoj ulozi u poticanju razvoja kompetencije kritičkog mišljenja kod djece predškolske dobi. Uz to, svrha je istraživanja bila opisati i razumjeti ulogu odgojitelja u poticanju razvoja kritičkog mišljenja u predškolskim ustanovama te ih osnažiti i podržati za buduće planiranje i provedbu odgojno-obrazovnih aktivnosti koje su usmjerene na poticanje razvoja kompetencije kritičkog mišljenja kod djece predškolske dobi. U svrhu prikupljanja podataka potrebnih za ostvarivanje cilja i svrhe provedeno je kvalitativno istraživanje, a metoda istraživanja bila je fokus grupa. Provedene su dvije fokus grupe s odgojiteljicama na području grada Pule, a za potrebe analize podataka provedena je tematska analiza. Kroz prikupljena iskustva i promišljanja odgojiteljica dobiven je uvid u to kako shvaćanju kritičko mišljenje, što misle o potrebi i važnosti kritičkog mišljenja za razvoj djece, kako doživljavaju svoju ulogu u poticanju djece na kritičko razmišljanje, na koje načine potiču razvoj kompetencije kritičkog mišljenja kod djece predškolske dobi te što im otežava taj proces, ali i što smatraju da bi ga olakšalo. Pokazalo se da odgojiteljice smatraju kako je kritičko mišljenje važna kompetencija koja doprinosi i kognitivnom i socio-emocionalnom razvoju djece te da percipiraju svoju ulogu u poticanju djece na kritičko razmišljanje kao veoma važnu. Svoju ulogu vide u tome da potiču djecu na kritičko razmišljanje kroz organizirane i vođene odgojno-obrazovne aktivnosti, ali i kroz svakodnevnu komunikaciju i situacije u odgojnoj skupini. Iako se suočavaju s mnogim preprekama, neupitna je njihova motiviranost i predanost u radu te stvaranju samostalnih, znatiželjnih, iskrenih i empatičnih pojedinaca. Less
Abstract (english) The topic of this thesis is the role of educators in encouraging the development of critical thinking competence in preschool children. In the first, theoretical part of the paper, different definitions and understandings of the concept of critical thinking are presented with an emphasis on its understanding as a competence, then an overview of the developmental characteristics of preschool children that imply a connection with the elements of the competence of critical thinking, and a
... More description of the role and tasks of educators in encouraging the development of critical thinking competence opinions of preschool children. The second part of the work is the empirical part, which includes the research methodology and the presentation and interpretation of the research results with discussion. At the end, the main conclusions according to the set research questions were presented, and the contribution of the research, as well as its limitations, were highlighted. The aim of this research was to gain insight into educators' perceptions of their role in encouraging the development of critical thinking competence in preschool children. In addition, the purpose of the research was to describe and understand the role of educators in encouraging the development of critical thinking in preschool institutions, and to empower and support them for future planning and implementation of educational activities aimed at encouraging the development of critical thinking competence in preschool children. In order to collect the data necessary to achieve the goal and purpose, a qualitative research was conducted, and the research method was a focus group. Two focus groups were conducted with teachers in the area of the city of Pula, and for the purposes of data analysis, a thematic analysis was conducted. Through the collected experiences and reflections of the educators, an insight was gained into how they understand critical thinking, what they think about the need and importance of critical thinking for children's development, how they perceive their role in encouraging children to think critically, in what ways they encourage the development of critical thinking competence in preschool children age and what makes this process difficult for them, but also what they think would make it easier. It has been shown that educators believe that critical thinking is an important competence that contributes to both the cognitive and socio-emotional development of children, and that they perceive their role in encouraging children to think critically as very important. They see their role in encouraging children to think critically through organized and guided educational activities, but also through everyday communication and situations in the educational group. Although they face many obstacles, their motivation and commitment to work and to create independent, curious, sincere and empathetic individuals is unquestionable. Less
kompetencija kritičkog mišljenja
djeca predškolske dobi
odgojno-obrazovne aktivnosti
Keywords (english)
critical thinking competence
preschool children
educational activities
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:186:801948
Study programme Title: Pedagogy Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra pedagogije (sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra pedagogije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2024-09-07 09:22:16