The Anglicization of Croatian Language in Subtitles
Dora Pirtošek The aim of this study is to examine English influence on the Croatian language through analysis of Croatian translation of 13 episodes of the Doctor Who series. Its influence was studied through the use of anglicisms in the translation of the English language. The first part of the study introduced translation methods, types of anglicisms, and subtitles as well as their benefits and disadvantages. Upon analyzing the corpus using three different dictionaries, the results showed that the...
The Attitudes of Parents Towards Early Foreign Language Learning
Valentina Bago This thesis reports the results of a study which explores the attitudes of Croatian parents towards early foreign language learning. More precisely, the aims were to determine whether Croatian parents have positive attitudes towards early foreign learning, whether they consider English as more important than other school subjects in the lower grades of elementary school, and if there is a relationship between parents’ age, level of education, the number of foreign languages they know and...
The Case of Elizabeth Bennet: Challenging the Notion of an Agreeable Woman in Modern Adaptations of Pride and Prejudice
Irina Štefanić Jane Austen's novel Pride and Prejudice (1813) is considered by many as one of the most notable novels in British literature. It deals with the socio-cultural climate of the early nineteenth-century Britain and the position of women in the society of landed gentry. The novels protagonist, Elizabeth Bennet is a female character written as a challenger of her society's idea of what an 'agreeable woman' ought to be. Pride and Prejudice has since its creation been adapted throughout various...
The Conscious and Unconscious Formation of Leopold Bloom's Identity in James Joyce's Ulysses
Ivan Vid Čakarević Kršul Leopold Bloom, the protagonist of Janes Joyce Ulysses, is the modern Everyman by virtue of his mundaneness and hybridity. He is the son of a Hungarian Jewish immigrant and an Irish Protestant, and he has converted to Catholicism to marry the daughter of an Irish military officer and his Spanish wife. Bloom’s identity is nuanced. His religious beliefs are haphazard amalgamation of Judaism, Christianity and atheism; he considers himself to be simultaneously Irish and Jewish; and some of his...
The Criminal Responsibility of Persons within the Autistic Spectrum
Mladen Bošnjak This thesis investigates, from a philosophical perspective, whether high-functioning autists are legally responsible for their crimes, with a focus on the legal defense by insanity. According to the Croatian Criminal Code, but also criminal codes adopted in many other countries, the legal responsibility of the person is undermined due to insanity when two conditions are satisfied. The first can be called the incapacity requirement. It states that a person, at the moment of committing the...
The Discourse of Football Post-Match Interviews
Lucija Hodak Being the most popular sport in the world, football does not only attract sports fans, but also researchers from various disciplines. In this context, linguistic research in football is described as a rather new academic (sub)field, thus, this paper deals with the discourse analysis of one post-match football interview after a lost game. As they do in any interaction, the interlocutors construct and communicate details about their actions, identities and relationships in the post-match...
The Discourse of Parenting on TikTok
Živa Žigmund Digital media has entwined itself into our daily lives, especially as a means for communication. With its emergence, discourse analysts have gained a new realm for research and exploration. TikTok has become one of the most popular applications and social media platforms accumulating over a billion users globally. Discourse on TikTok is being constructed at a fast pace as the platform’s affordances allow for the communication to flow in various forms between the users. The discourse of...
The Discourse on Victorian Patriarchy in Anne Brontë's Novel The Tenant of Wildfell Hall
Nina Milevoj As an English author, Anne Brontë was disregarded and left in the shadows for a very long time due to the loud echo of her sisters’ voices. But this does certainly not diminish the fact that her works are of great importance for understanding the social norms of the Victorian period, and it does not mean that she did not influence the work of many authors that addressed the subjects regarding the status of women in the Victorian era. It is well known that women had undergone serious...
The Dynamics of Motivation in the EFL Classroom
Nikolina Šadić Motivation is essential for effective learning, impacting both students and teachers. To enhance student engagement and improve classroom management, teachers employ various motivational strategies. Understanding how English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers’ perspectives on their role as motivators evolve requires considering factors such as classroom environment, curriculum, student engagement, institutional support and diverse student needs. This thesis explores how the mentioned...
The Economy of Sex, Gender and Love in Sally Rooney's Novels
Ema Rupčić This thesis will explore the concept of sex, gender, and love in Sally Rooney’s novels Normal People and Conversations with Friends. Moreover, it will explore the basic characteristics of capitalism and postmodernism outlined by Jameson (1984) and Fisher (2009), and will illustrate how key issues in today’s capitalist society directly and indirectly influence and shape the psyches and choices of Rooney’s characters by examining them through the Lacanian terms: the big Other, the father...
The Encoding of Motion Elements in Croatian
Ema Žufić The thesis reports on the most common strategies native speakers of Croatian use for encoding Motion and Path in their descriptions of motion events. The first analysis entails the following elements: the speakers' lexicalization of Motion and Manner in two situation types, boundary-crossing and boundary-reaching/non-boundary crossing, respectively; the frequencies of the verb types used; and the extent to which they segment the Path across the abovementioned situation types. The second...