Abstract | U suvremenom društvu koje pogađaju različite demografske promjene i promjene u strukturi obitelji, sve se više prepoznaje značaj baka i djedova kao onih koji pružaju različite oblike pomoći i potpore svojoj djeci i unucima. Oni imaju različite važne uloge u životima unuka i kroz vrijeme koje provode zajedno, dijeleći zajednička iskustva i aktivnosti, daju svoj vrijedan doprinos njihovom odgoju. Ovaj rad se bavi upravo ulogom baka i djedova u odgoju unuka, a kako bi se ispitalo njihovo mišljenje o ovoj temi, provedeno je kvalitativno istraživanje na uzorku od 12 baka i djedova iz ruralnog područja Karlovačke županije, pri čemu je korištena metoda intervjua, a dobiveni podaci su obrađeni metodom tematske analize. Istraživanjem se nastojalo saznati kako sudionici opisuju svoju ulogu bake/djeda, te ulogu u odgoju unuka i kakav im, prema njihovom mišljenju, značaj pridaju njihova djeca i unuci po tom pitanju. Rezultati su pokazali kako je uloga bake/djeda za sudionike generalno pozitivna i važna. To je uloga koja osim različitih pozitivnih emocija, nosi sa sobom i određene obveze i odgovornosti koje oni spremno ispunjavaju, a odrasla djeca i unuci njihovu ulogu u odgoju i životima unuka većinom doživljavaju pozitivno i kao značajnu. Oni sudjeluju u mnogobrojnim i raznolikim aktivnostima s unucima kroz koje daju svoj doprinos njihovom odgoju, no sebe percipiraju kao one koji povremeno i prema potrebi pomažu odrasloj djeci u odgoju njihove djece. U konačnici, rezultati istraživanja upućuju na to da bake i djedovi, u ovom slučaju iz ruralnih krajeva, imaju istaknutu i važnu ulogu u životima mlađih generacija u obitelji, zbog čega bi se više znanstvene, ali i praktične pozornosti trebalo posvećivati navedenoj temi, a sve u cilju, ne samo poboljšanja položaja starijih osoba u društvu, već i kvalitetnijeg funkcioniranja suvremenih obitelji i samim time društva u cjelini. |
Abstract (english) | In a contemporary society that is affected by the various demographic changes and changes in the family structure, the importance of grandparents is increasingly recognized as those who provide various forms of help and support to their children and grandchildren. They have different important roles in lives of grandchildren and through time spent together, they share experiences and activities, and in that way they give their valuable contribution to their upbringing.
This paper deals with the role of grandparents in upbringing of grandchildren and in order to examine their opinion on this topic, a qualitative research was carried out on a sample of 12 grandparents from the rural area of Karlovac County, using the interview method and the collected data were processed by the method of thematic analysis. The research sought to find out how the participants describe their grandparents role in general, their role in upbringing of grandchildren and how, in their opinion, their children and grandchildren describe their importance in grandchildren's upbringing. The results showed that the role of grandparents for the participants is generally positive and important. It is a role that besides various positive emotions, carries with itself certain responsibilities that grandparents readily fulfill. Their role in the grandchildren's upbringing and in their lives in general is perceived mostly positively and as significant by adult children and grandchildren. They participate in numerous and diverse activities with grandchildren through which they contribute to their upbringing, but they perceive themselves as those who occasionally and if necessary assist adult children in their children's upbringing.
Finally, research results suggest that grandparents from rural areas, have a prominent and important role in the lives of younger generations in the family, and that more scientific and practical attention should be devoted to this topic, in order, not only to improve the position of the elderly in society, but also to improve the quality of functioning of modern families and the society as a whole. |