Abstract | Cjeloživotno učenje u današnje suvremeno doba predstavlja inherentan dio života svakog pojedinca i zajednice, te osigurava napredak društva. S obzirom na njegovu raširenost, osnovna zadaća ovog rada je kroz teorijski prikaz ocrtati njegov razvoj te važnost cjeloživotnog učenja u životu pojedinca. Nadalje, provedenim kvalitativnim istraživanjem nastojalo se ispitati mišljenja studenata diplomskog izvanrednog studija o cjeloživotnom učenju. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju kako ispitanici posjeduju i intrinzične i ekstrinzične motive za cjeloživotno učenje. Kao najizraženiji intrinzični motivi pokazali su se stjecanje novih znanja te zanimanje za područje, dok su najdominantniji ekstrinzični motivi veća plaća te bolja pozicija na poslu. Ostali motivi ispitanika jesu želja za dovršavanjem obrazovanja, veća mogućnost savladavanja izazova na poslu, bolje mogućnosti zapošljavanja te rad u visokom obrazovanju. Brojni ispitanici posjeduju obrazovne idole, osobe koje im predstavljaju inspiraciju za daljnje učenje. Njihovi obrazovni idoli su osobe koje su stekle visok stupanj obrazovanja ili su uspješni stručnjaci u svome poslu. Obrazovni idoli najvećeg broja ispitanika su osobe iz njihove obitelji: majka, otac, braća, bratići i sestrične. Ostali obrazovni idoli ispitanika su kolege s fakulteta i bračni partneri. U procesu cjeloživotnog učenja, ispitanici kao najčešće poteškoće navode organizaciju, putovanje koje im predstavlja napor te manjak slobodnog vremena. Važne osobe tijekom cjeloživotnog učenja su i edukatori (nastavnici, profesori) koji rade s odraslima. Po mišljenju ispitanika, edukatori većinom koriste primjerene metode rada u radu s odraslima. Također, ispitanici smatraju kako edukatore trebaju odlikovati sljedeće osobine: empatija, komunikativnost, stručnost i poštovanje, prilagodljivost, kreativnost, humor i marljivost. Također, kako bi zadržali emocionalnu stabilnost, ispitanicima je važna podrška okoline, te podršku nalaze u svojoj obitelji, na radnom mjestu, u prijateljima, partnerima i kolegama na studiju.
Istraživanje je također ukazalo kako su ispitanici upoznati s konceptom cjeloživotnog učenja te se većina planira uključivati u daljnje učenje i u budućnosti. Može se zaključiti kako se koncept cjeloživotnog učenja u Republici Hrvatskoj počinje afirmirati, te odrasli prepoznaju kako proaktivan odnos životu uključuje cjeloživotno učenje. |
Abstract (english) | Nowadays, lifelong learning represents an inherent part of everyday lives of an individual and the community. It also ensures progress for the society. Considering the wide application of lifelong learning, the primary purpose of this thesis is to delinate the evolution of lifelong learning through theoretical framework, as well as its importance for the life of the individual. Futhermore, a qualitative research was conducted in order to examine opinions of graduate part-time students about lifelong learning. Results of the research suggest that participants possess intrinsic and extrinsic motives for lifelong learning. The most salient intrinsic motives were acquiring new knowledge and an interest for the field, while the most dominant extrinsic motives were a bigger salary and a better position at work. Other participants` motives were the desire to finish their education, higher possibility of handling challenges at their workplace, increasing employment possibilities and working in higher education. Many participants have idols in education, i.e. persons who inspire them to engage in further learning. Their educational idols are either persons who obtained a high level of education or persons who are experts in their field. Educational idols for the majority of the participants are persons from their family: mother, father, brothers, and cousins. Other educational idols for the participants are colleagues from their univerity or their spouse. In the process of lifelong learning, the biggest obstacles for the participants are as follows: organization, travelling that can be exausting and the lack of free time. Important figures in the process of lifelong learning are also educators (teachers, professors) who work with the adults. The participants deem that educators mostly employ proper methods while working with adult students. Moreover, they think that educators need to possess the following qualities: empathy, communication skills, expertise and respect, flexibility, creativity, humour and diligence. Also, the participants find social support important in order to maintain emotional stability. People who support them are their family, people in their workplace, friends, partners and colleagues from the university. This research has also shown that the participants are acquainted with the concept of lifelong learning and that the majority of them intend to continue learning in the future. In conclusion, the concept of lifelong learning in Croatia has started to gain recognition, and adults are able to recognize that a proactive attitude to life includes lifelong learning. |