Anaphora Resolution in Croatian by English-Croatian Professional Translators and Translation Trainees
Vladivoj Lisica This thesis reports on the results of an experimental study investigating the resolution of intra-sentential anaphora and cataphora in Croatian in three native speaker groups English-Croatian professional translators, English-Croatian translation trainees and a control group of non-translators. The aim of the study was to investigate whether the professional translators and translation trainees were influenced by their use of and exposure to English, their L2, resulting in L1 attrition. The...
Anarchism as a Culture?
Ivana Kljajić The paper exemplifies an interdisciplinary approach to the concept of anarchism. It deals with the possibility of viewing the ideology of anarchism through the lens of the concept of culture.Key words used in the paper: anarchism, syndicalism, culture, ideology, nature and plasticity of man, ethnographic fiction, and fiction as ethnography relate to the interdisciplinary approach I used in addressing the question of the possibility of anarchism as a culture by applying it to the novel The...
Andrija Kačić Miošić u svjetlu povijesne znanosti
Laura Hrenić Andrija Kačić Miošić važna je ličnost osamnaestog stoljeća čiji se rad i djelovanje izučava sve do danas. On je nastojao opjevati povijesnu zbilju i istinu te ju predočiti na pjesnički način, što je i uspio. Tako je nastalo njegovo antologijsko djelo „Razgovor ugodni naroda slovinskog“ koje je predmet proučavanja ovoga završnog rada. Djelo je izuzetno domoljubnog karaktera sa naglašenom ljubavlju prema vlastitom narodu, domovini i jeziku. Napisano je na jednostavan način...
Angela Y. Davis
Valentina Kukuljan The Civil Rights Movement was a fight for the equality and justice of African Americans which took place in the 1950s and 1960s. Many African Americans were standing up for themselves and the rights they were not given, due to the systematic racism of the US. An active member of this movement was Angela Davis, who witnessed the oppression and racial injustice firsthand, growing up in an area very much affected by segregation. Angela Davis became known for her radical activism. As a proponent...
Anglicisms in Croatian and German subtitles of the English sitcom Grace and Frankie
Lara Špicar This thesis investigates the presence and influence of Anglicisms within Croatian and German subtitles of the television series Grace and Frankie. The study analyzes seven episodes, focusing on the role Anglicisms play. The introductory chapter provides background information on Anglicisms, their impact on Croatian and German languages, different types of linguistic borrowings, the function of subtitles, and relevant language policies. The following chapters focus on the methodology and the...
Anglicisms in German and Croatian Media Language
Radmila Rakinić This thesis has two major purposes: to demonstrate the influence of English on other languages, particularly on the German and Croatian language and to investigate the scope of this influence by comparing articles on various topics from German and Croatian newspapers. The aim of this paper is to bring to light the influence that English has on these two languages, in terms of vocabulary which gets integrated into everyday usage. These English words that find their way into other languages...
Anglophone Music as Poetry
Matea Lacmanović Literature as a whole is usually divided into poetry, prose and drama (Solar 2006: 154) with fairly clear boundaries between them. When it comes to their subdivision and definition of specific literature and art type, the boundaries become unclear and many questions arise. One of the most difficult questions to answer is what poetry is and which criteria must be met in order for some work to be classified as poetry. It is known that authors such as Shakespeare, Byron, Cummings or Angelou are...
Ante Kovačić - Metamorfoza (ekspresionistički i avangardni elementi)
Ivana Babić Ante Kovačić hrvatski je književnik psihički vrlo složene naravi te je svojim stihovima upozoravao na konfliktnu situaciju u samome sebi. Ovoga književnika i njegovu bujnu fantaziju prvi je uočio August Šenoa. Kovačić pjesmu Metamorfoza objavljuje 1878. godine u Hrvatskom domu. Kritika kaže da je to „oduga, fantastična pjesma koju uistinu ne mogu pravo definirati“. Ante Kovačić smatran je začetnikom hrvatske književne avangarde, a u njenom okviru i ekspresionizma upravo...
Anticipativno gledanje kao bihevioralna mjera teorije uma
Petra Šarić Pred skoro dva desetljeća u istraživanjima je započeta primjena neverbalnih mjera za testiranje teorije uma. Iz jedne od najčešće korištenih neverbalnih paradigmi, zadatka anticipativnog gledanja, proizašao je niz dokaza da dojenčad, djeca i odrasle osobe posjeduju sposobnost spontanog predviđanja radnji osobe na temelju njezinih ciljeva i epistemičkog statusa. Iako su takvi nalazi transformirali teoretski okvir teorije uma, niz nedavnih istraživanja ukazalo je na neuspjeh pri...