Cjeloživotne kompetencije školskoga knjižničara
Tijana Krmpotić Svakodnevno i sve intenzivnije prodiranje tehnologije u ljudske živote jedan je od razloga što ovaj rad u svoj fokus stavlja promatranje vještina i kompetencija koje bi knjižničar, posebice onaj školski, trebao posjedovati. Naime, postavlja se pitanje koliko i na koji način možemo pratiti razvijanje svijeta oko sebe ukoliko nismo spremni sebe podvrgnuti procesu cjeloživotnoga učenja. Razmatra se pojam informacijske pismenosti u kontekstu vještina i kompetencija knjižničara te...
Cjeloživotno profesionalno usmjeravanje
Barbara Fatur Juretić Profesionalno savjetovanje i usmjeravanje smatra se bitnim preduvjetom razvoja pojedinca u svijetu rada. Radna snaga mora odgovarati potrebama tržišta rada. Ono je nesigurno i nestabilno, a takva su i današnja radna mjesta. Nekadašnje zaposlenje za čitav život zamijenjeno je zaposlenjem uz ugovore o radu, radom na projektima i prekarnim radom. Cilj ovog rada je ukazati na značaj profesionalnog usmjeravanja i prednosti koje ono donosi. Na području profesionalnog usmjeravanja, u...
Cjeloživotno učenje: put ka budućnosti
Maja Jelačić Cjeloživotno učenje u današnje suvremeno doba predstavlja inherentan dio života svakog pojedinca i zajednice, te osigurava napredak društva. S obzirom na njegovu raširenost, osnovna zadaća ovog rada je kroz teorijski prikaz ocrtati njegov razvoj te važnost cjeloživotnog učenja u životu pojedinca. Nadalje, provedenim kvalitativnim istraživanjem nastojalo se ispitati mišljenja studenata diplomskog izvanrednog studija o cjeloživotnom učenju. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju kako...
Classical Hollywood Cinema and Post-Classical Hollywood Cinema; Case Study of Modern and Postmodern Film
Sarah Radulovich Notions of classical Hollywood film and post-classical Hollywood film belong to distinct eras, traditionally used to signify various elements, specific styles, and approaches. The classical Hollywood era of film dates back to the early 1920’s, also marking the end of the silent era in American cinema. The golden age of Hollywood lasted up to the late 1960’s, which was primarily characterized by films that were issued by the major Hollywood studios. Although many interpretations of dates...
Claude Monet i njegov utjecaj na umjetnički pokret impresionizma i umjetnost općenito
Tomislav Vulić 1840. godine rađa se Oscar Claude Monet, jedan od osnivača grupe impresionista. U ranim danima pokazuje umjetničku vještinu crtajući karikature. Pejzažist Eugene Boudoin mu predstavlja slikanje na otvorenom, te Monet prihvaća takav izričaj. 1873. godine održana je prva izložba impresionista, na kojoj su sudjelovali, od poznatijih slikara, Monet, Auguste Renoir, Camille Pissarro i Alfred Sisley, ali i mnogi drugi. Iako nije polučila željeni uspjeh, na toj izložbi su dobili,...
Climate Change and International Distributive Justice
Petra Gašparić Climate change is the problem we hear about more and more often. We hear about the damages it causes, as well as the discussions about how to deal with those detrimental effects. The problem is of international interest because what causes climate change and its negative effects (usually emissions of waste gases in rich countries) is regularly felt in poor parts of the world. In contrary, in most cases, poor states haven't contributed to climate change harms and don't have enough resources...
Code-switching, English Lexical Items in the Croatian Youth Jargon
Lucija Avsec In this final thesis we will focus on code-switching among the Croatian youth
and the way English has made its way into their everyday vocabulary. This
phenomenon has become so frequent and normalised, it is often unnoticed. The
reasons Croatian adolescents and young adults switch codes are sociological and
psychological. It allows them to be more informal, humorous, and simply true to
their identity. Using another language can help people be more honest and
comfortable with...
Comparative analysis of CLIL and IB programs
Lucija Kovačić English is a global language in today's world and is present in almost all domains of human activity, including education. As a result, classes in English in international schools have been an upward trend. This thesis aims to give an overview of such educational programs, specifically CLIL and IB programs. It also aims to compare the English language learning objectives of CLIL and IB programs, connecting them with specific curricular elements. Moreover, the thesis intends to compare the...
Conceptual Metaphor - the Controversial Case of Embodied Thought
Veljko Vuković Metaphor has long been a mesmerizing literary phenomenon that attracted attention of literary critics and brought joy and fulfillment to literary hedonists. It shows the writers greatness of talent in presenting the ordinary in an extraordinary artistic fashion, of transforming the plain into the sublime, of overcoming the physical in favor of the transcendent. However, with the discovery of conceptual metaphor within Cognitive Linguistics, scientific community and ordinary people were...
Constitution of the English Romantic Poetics: from Lyrical Ballads to Biographia Literaria
Iva Šalković Based on two of William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge's most important works, most notably their joint 1798 effort of Lyrical Ballads, this thesis explores the developing of the English Romanticism movement. The inquiry posed in this thesis applies to all the literary and cultural environments that fostered Romanticism as a movement that emphasizes nature, emotion, and the capacity for personal imagination. The Preface to The Lyrical Ballads and his emblematic poems provide a...