
Translation of Texts from Croatian into English
Translation of Texts from Croatian into English
Elly Benčić
This B.A. thesis is focused on the field of translation, i.e. translating texts from Croatian into English. The aim of this thesis was to choose three relevant, scientific and academic articles in Croatian, and to translate and analyze them into English. The introduction is followed by three source texts, each with a commentary and analysis, a description of translation methods and the most significant problems and, with that, solutions that occurred during the translation process. After the...
Translation of Texts from Croatian into English
Translation of Texts from Croatian into English
Mateo Kolenac
This B.A. thesis will discuss the problems which stem from translating texts from Croatian into English. The aim was to choose three texts of different styles and translate them with the highest degree of accuracy in order to maintain as much of the source’s original meaning. Each translation is followed by the analysis of the source text and the commentary of the workflow. The provided analysis of source texts is done with the help of the Genre Analysis method. The workflow discusses the...
Translation of Texts from Croatian into English Language
Translation of Texts from Croatian into English Language
Tea Miškec
This B.A. thesis consists of an introduction, main part and a conclusion. The introductory part of the paper provides brief information about the target texts and the methodology used while translating. The main part consists of three source texts in Croatian language, their translation into English language and a workflow for each translation.The first text is an interview with the former Croatian president Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović. The second text is an academic paper about Klara...
Translation of Three Short Stories by Tanja Mravak form Croatian into English
Translation of Three Short Stories by Tanja Mravak form Croatian into English
Daria Dadić
The topic of this thesis is the translation of three short stories written mainly in Croatian dialect by Tanja Mravak into English and the analysis of the translations, as well as the issues surrounding individual expressions. The paper first introduces the notion of dialect literature and its translation into foreign languages followed by the short description of the short stories in terms of their language, Shtokavian dialect and the amount of its representation in each story. The...
Translation of Three Texts from Croatian to English
Translation of Three Texts from Croatian to English
Leonard Radović
This B.A. thesis discusses and delves into the process and experience of translating from Croatian to English, focusing on specific examples found in select three texts, all in an attempt to successfully translate them while retaining their authenticity and original tone. Tying in closely with the genre analysis method and following each translated text is a section that discusses the workflow behind it, wherein I will attempt to provide reasoning and outline my own chosen solutions for...
Tranzicija sa konvencionalnih na napredne elektroenergetske mreže
Tranzicija sa konvencionalnih na napredne elektroenergetske mreže
Josip Popčević
U radu je opisan koncept naprednih mreža. Prikazana je usporedba između konvencionalnih i naprednih mreža, te način na koji se može preći iz konvencionalne u naprednu mrežu. Nadalje, opisane su tehnologije naprednih mreža kao što su pametna brojila, električni automobili, pametne trafostanice, te kako na njih utječu parametri kao što su energija, financije i tržište. U radu je objašnjena i napredna mreža u Republici Hrvatskoj, te njezina energetska infrastruktura....
Tranzicija: od marihuane do konoplje
Tranzicija: od marihuane do konoplje
Lana Tisaj
Rad ne sadrži sažetak.
Traslation from the Croatian Language into the English Language
Traslation from the Croatian Language into the English Language
Margareta Čanžar
In this B.A. thesis, three translated texts of different genres will be presented. The aim for this work was to choose three texts, originally written in Croatian, and translate them into English, as well as write the analysis of each source text and explain the issues I have encountered while writing the translations. The first text is about music therapy and the benefits of music as a therapeutic tool, the second text deals with the self-efficacy of teachers and how beneficial it is for...
Trebaju li psihopati snositi krivičnu odgovornost
Trebaju li psihopati snositi krivičnu odgovornost
Dražen Rastovac
Trebaju li psihopati snositi krivičnu odgovornost za svoje posljedice problem je čije rješenje može utjecati na način promatranja krivične odgovornosti ne samo psihopata, već i krivične odgovornosti općenito. Stephen J. Morse u svom članku "Psychopathy and Criminal Responsibility" izlaže argument koji govori u prilog izuzimanja psihopata od krivične odgovornosti. Svoj argument započinje pretpostavkom da krivična odgovornost implicira moralnu. Nadalje ukazuje kako psihopati ne...
Tretman žena u reklamnom diskursu
Tretman žena u reklamnom diskursu
Tea Bucaj
Ovaj rad je orijentiran na analizu televizijskih reklama radi utvrđivanja tretmana žena. Tretman žena u mnogim je reklamama opterećen sterotipima i predrasudama koje vode prema rodnoj diskriminaciji. Međutim, valja istaći da se sa problematikom diskriminacije mnoga društva susreću još iz prethodnog stoljeća te da je bila predmet raznih rasprava i istraživanja. Moglo bi se reći da je nejednakost spolova oduvijek prisutna u našem društvu, međutim osvještena je tek u prošlom...
Trg riječke rezolucije: urbanizam
Trg riječke rezolucije: urbanizam
Morena Ban
Trg riječke rezolucije smješten je u centru grada Rijeke. Gotovo na samom križištu centralnih gradskih prometnica –glavne šetnice (Korza) i one koja od Guvernerove palače vodi ka moru. Trg se smjestio na jugozapadnom uglu Staroga grada, gdje ga od novog dijela grada i Korza na južnom potezu, dijeli niz od nekoliko zgrada: prodavanonica Kraš, zgrada Radio Rijeke, te nekoliko stambenih zgrada. Za njegov pravokutni oblik zaslužno je uglato historicističko pročelje Palače...
