
Tolkien i fantastični svjetovi
Tolkien i fantastični svjetovi
Mihaela Müler
U radu Tolkien i fantastični svjetovi nastojala sam prikazati utjecaj J.R.R. Tolkiena na autore J.K. Rowling i Georga R.R. Martina. Sva tri autora pripadaju različitim granama fantastične književnosti, ali u mnogim stvarima su slični. Nastojala sam prikazati kako je pojedini autor koristio elemente bitke, jezika i prirode. Zatim kako se ističu elementi zagonetke i pjesništva, nešto što se smatra zaštitnim znakom fantastične književnosti. Jedno sam poglavlje posvetila i...
Topografija onostranoga u hrvatskoglagoljskim eshatološkim vizijama
Topografija onostranoga u hrvatskoglagoljskim eshatološkim vizijama
Carla Gašpar
Ovaj se rad bavi topografijom onostranoga u hrvatskoglagoljskim vizijama srednjovjekovne književnosti. Početak je rada posvećen definiranju eshatoloških vizija kao žanra kroz različite povijesti književnosti, studije i članke, nakon čega slijedi istraživanje osobina topografije onostranosti u književnom žanru vizija. Glavni je dio rada posvećen poetičkoj analizi vizija iz odabranoga korpusa: Varohove vizije, Bogorodičine apokalipse, Pavlove vizije, Abrahamove vizije te...
Totalitarne političke ideologije 20. stoljeća i sport: nogomet - igra diktatora
Totalitarne političke ideologije 20. stoljeća i sport: nogomet - igra diktatora
Matija Vincetić
U ovom radu prikazati ćemo odnos totalitarnih režima, fašizma, nacionalsocijalizma i komunizma prema nogometu. Na samom početku upoznati ćemo se sa navedenim režimima, kratkoj povijesti nogometa, povezanosti politike i sporta (nogometa). U glavnom dijelu rada obraditi ćemo redom talijanski fašizam, njemački nacionalsocijalizam i komunizam u Savezu Sovjetskih Socijalističkih Republika, sa osvrtom na zemlje Istočnog bloka. Kod fašizma ćemo se upoznati s talijanskim sportom, i...
Tradicionalni i suvremeni pogledi na roditeljstvo
Tradicionalni i suvremeni pogledi na roditeljstvo
Klara Tankosić
U radu se opisuju tradicionalni i suvremeni pogledi na roditeljstvo i obitelj. Prvotno se opisuje pojam roditeljstva te skupine pojmova koje se odnose na roditeljstvo kao što su doživljaj roditeljstva, roditeljska briga, roditeljski postupci i aktivnosti te roditeljski odgojni stilovi. Zatim se opisuje pojam obitelji i najvažnije funkcije obitelji kao što su reproduktivna, seksualna, odgojna, ekonomska i emocionalna funkcija. Prikazuju se obilježja i karakteristike tradicionalne...
Tragični ženski likovi u novelistici Ive Andrića
Tragični ženski likovi u novelistici Ive Andrića
Laura Biondić
Tragični se ženski likovi u odabranim novelama Ive Andrića u ovome radu analiziraju kroz pojmove ljepote i zla te nesreće i grijeha. Analizirane su novele Mara milosnica, Anikina vremena, Olujaci i Čudo u Olovu. Pokušali smo utvrditi na koji se način zlo realizira, što smo primarno prepoznali u muško-ženskim odnosima na temelju kojih žena postoji striktno kao objekt s različitim funkcijama, te u odnosu društva prema ženi, čiji patrijarhalni karakter uvjetuje kaznu žene na...
Trans partnerstva
Trans partnerstva
Lea Labaš
Rad ne sadrži sažetak.
Translaguaging in an Efl Classroom: Attitudes and Practice
Translaguaging in an Efl Classroom: Attitudes and Practice
Dorotea Scopich
Regarding the heated discussions on the possible benefits and drawbacks of translanguaging in the EFL classroom, this thesis focuses on the attitudes towards and practices of translanguaging by EFL teachers and student, as well as possible functions of translanguaging in language learning and teaching. Through a comprehensive analysis of questionnaires and classroom observations, this thesis also aims to provide an insight into possible discrepancies between the respondents’ attitudes and...
Translating Croatian Gastronomical Terminology
Translating Croatian Gastronomical Terminology
Dario Zagorec
Gastronomy is a crucial element of any culture and it developed over the course of centuries or even millennia. Tied to the people that call it their own, it can be a challenge for translators to properly transfer the specifics and nuances of foreign food into a language and culture that it was never intended for. This paper brings together the research of various scholars, linguists and translators in order to explore the complex methodology of translating gastronomical terms and phrases as...
Translating Croatian into English: Dealing with Translations of Short Texts of Different Genres
Translating Croatian into English: Dealing with Translations of Short Texts of Different Genres
Eni Mamuzić
This B.A. thesis consists of four translations from Croatian into English, each of which is a text of different genre. Each translation is preceded by an introduction, and accompanied by a commentary and analysis that explain various difficulties and problems encountered in the process of translation. The four translations in this thesis are: translation of a legislative text, translation of an article from a political weekly magazine, translation of an article about a painter from an...
Translating Croatian into English: Working on Different Types of Texts
Translating Croatian into English: Working on Different Types of Texts
Jakov Kršovnik
This thesis covers four English translations of Croatian source texts: The Return to Hannibal, Rijeka during the Napoleonic Wars from 1793 to 1813, It is all Chemistry and The Regulation about the Publication of the Agreement Each translated text is preceded by a short introduction, and after the text there are comments on the process of translation and the problems experienced during translation. The purpose of the thesis is to show how the translator has to adapt to different topics and...
Translating Culture-Bound Humorous Content from English into Croatian in the British Television Show "Only Fools and Horses"
Translating Culture-Bound Humorous Content from English into Croatian in the British Television Show "Only Fools and Horses"
Mia Uzelac
The present thesis challenges the methods provided by Jan Pedersen for translating culture-bound humorous content in the television show „Only Fools and Horses“from English into Croatian language. The first part of the thesis reffers to the theoretical background concerning translation, humour and subtitling. The second part of the thesis focuses on the analysis of the examples of culture- bound humorous content from the five pre-selected episodes of the aforementioned television show....
Translating EU Legal Texts: a Corpus-informed Analysis of Croatian and English Cryptocurrency Legislation
Translating EU Legal Texts: a Corpus-informed Analysis of Croatian and English Cryptocurrency Legislation
Lucija Togonal
This Master's thesis covers the subject of institutional translation within the EU. It explores existing problems in translating EU legislation by focusing on newer phenomena, specifically cryptocurrency legislation. The thesis opens with an introduction, and a theoretical overview of institutional translation in the European Union. After providing a broader theoretical context, it focuses on the main problems in translating EU legislation from English into Croatian. Following this, a...
