
Translation from Croatian into English: dealing with Translation and Analysis of Specialized Texts from Different Disciplines
Translation from Croatian into English: dealing with Translation and Analysis of Specialized Texts from Different Disciplines
Antonia Levak
This B.A. thesis contains translations of four texts from Croatian into English. Each text is accompanied by a short introduction into the topic, a commentary and an analysis that contains an overview of some difficulties that were encountered during translation. Texts translated into English are as follows: texts that deal with technology (Mobile communications and Spy satellites), a text that deals with the media (Television in a new media surrounding), and a text on psychology (The...
Translation from Croatian to English
Translation from Croatian to English
Petra Lukić
The thesis includes introduction of the texts which are to be translated and the translator's analysis and comments on the problems arising during the translation. The central part of the thesis encloses three articles of different genres and their translations. Each translation is followed by the commentary and analysis consisting of 11 points of analysis taken from the Genre Analysis, a method from the postgraduates studies of Specialized English Translation and Interpreting at the...
Translation from Croatian to English
Translation from Croatian to English
Iva Šimek
The main idea behind this thesis is to demonstrate the most frequent errors and problems which might occur during the process of translation. For the purposes of the most detailed and in depth analysis of the texts which are to be approached, their genres differentiate. First text tackles the issues with regard to education. Second text deals with the topic of gender roles, while the third and the final text is the interview with one of the most famous SF authors in Croatia. Each...
Translation from Croatian to English
Translation from Croatian to English
Karla Dolenčić
This B.A. thesis deals with the issue of translating three texts of different genres, each of them revolving around the mutual topic: rock and metal music. Source language of the texts is English while the target language is Croatian. Introduction offers the overview of thesis structure and explains the composition of translation. In conclusion the problems, solutions and methods will be summed up and explained in detail. In the last part of this thesis, bibliography, sources of the texts as...
Translation from English into Croatian Language "Problems and Challenges in Translating Texts of Different Genres"
Translation from English into Croatian Language "Problems and Challenges in Translating Texts of Different Genres"
Silvija Copak
The purpose of this thesis is to implement all the translation skills acquired during the study of English Language and Literature. The most appropriate technique to master the translation skills is by translating the texts of various genres as it is done in this thesis. Moreover, the focus is put on overcoming all the various obstacles that we encounter while translating. The thesis is divided into five main sections. The first section of the thesis is the introduction part and it includes...
Translation from English into Croatian Language "Problems and Challenges in Translating Texts of Different Genres"
Translation from English into Croatian Language "Problems and Challenges in Translating Texts of Different Genres"
Lucija Antolaš
This thesis deals with the issue of translating texts of different genres from English language into Croatian language. The introductory note clarifies what translation is, why it is important, and what is the role of translator in todays society. The central part of the thesis consists of three texts of different genres in English as a source language and their translation into Croatian as target language. The first text is an informal interview with a marine biologist, the second text is a...
Translation from English into Croatian Language: Problems and Challenges in Translating Texts of Different Genres
Translation from English into Croatian Language: Problems and Challenges in Translating Texts of Different Genres
Katarina Paušić
This thesis tackles the problems encountered when translating articles representing different genres, writing styles and terminology. After a short introduction on translation in general, and the problems that are often encountered while trying to produce an adequate translation, the thesis offers three source texts in English language, three translations of source texts and three commentaries and analyses. The source texts are of different genres: one is scientific (a medical text concerned...
Translation of English Film Titles in Croatian: a Corpus-based Analysis
Translation of English Film Titles in Croatian: a Corpus-based Analysis
Viktorija Kopjar
The study focuses on an unfairly neglected area of research: the analysis of film title translations. A corpus of 606 titles was analyzed to identify the most commonly used translation strategy for translating film titles in Croatia and the reasons behind the strategies employed, with a special emphasis on the role of the film genre. Contrary to what was expected, free translation was found to be the most employed translation strategy, whereas the motivation for changing titles was...
Translation of Four Short Texts of Different Genres from Croatian into English
Translation of Four Short Texts of Different Genres from Croatian into English
Janja Kopačević
The main body of this B.A. thesis consists of four translations from Croatian into English. The texts are of different genres. In the introduction I focused on the brief history of translation and some of the aspects that were important during its development. The introduction is followed by four translations. Each text has an introduction in which I explained where I found the text and its subject. Also, each translation is followed by an analysis of the problems that I have encountered...
Translation of Four Texts from Croatian into English: Wine Tourism, Economics and History
Translation of Four Texts from Croatian into English: Wine Tourism, Economics and History
Vedran Petrone
The main topic of this B.A. thesis is the translation of four different texts from the Croatian into the English language. This abstract is followed by the table of contents which is then followed by an introduction in which there is a definition of translation alongside with the aim of this thesis. After the introduction comes the analysis of four texts: the first one is about wine tourism in Dalmatia, the second one is about the debt crisis in Germany, the third one touches upon the topic...
Translation of Multimodal Texts from Croatian into English
Translation of Multimodal Texts from Croatian into English
Mateo Kolenac
This Master's thesis will focus on the translation of a Croatian multimodal novel Doba Mjedi written by Slobodan Šnajder. The aim of this thesis is to provide an accurate translation of selected paragraphs while respecting the authors stylistic decisions and the work’s various semantic, syntactic, stylistic, generic and cultural features, which play a role in the readers understanding of the novel. This thesis will include a theoretical introduction into multimodal literature and its...
Translation of Scientific Texts form Croatian into English
Translation of Scientific Texts form Croatian into English
Ivona Marušić
This thesis deals with the analysis of translations of three scientific texts translated from Croatian into English. The main part of the thesis deals with the translation of the texts, the strategies and procedures used, and the analysis of the three texts (source texts and translations), analyzing the practical aspects of translation norms and the similarities and differences between the English and Croatian languages. The aim of the thesis was to explore and apply appropriate techniques,...
