
Werbesprache im Kontext der Beziehung zwischen Bild und Text
Werbesprache im Kontext der Beziehung zwischen Bild und Text
Lucija Slukan
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Westminster Abbey - kronologija razvoja
Westminster Abbey - kronologija razvoja
Barbara Spasović
Ovaj rad bavi se kronološkim razvojem arhitekture poznate engleske crkvene građevine Westminster Abbey, gdje je poseban naglasak stavljen na 13. i 16. stoljeću zbog najvećih promjena koje su se tada dogodile. Tekst istovremeno objašnjava povijesni i politički kontekst koji stoji iza svake arhitektonske promjene i nadogradnje od doba romanike do danas. Od vladara, važno je istaknuti Edvarda Ispovjednika, Henrika III. i Henrika VII. Od arhitekata, najvažniji je Henrik iz Reynsa budući...
What is the Evidence that Idioms Are Stored as Separate Lexical Units in the Mental Lexicon?
What is the Evidence that Idioms Are Stored as Separate Lexical Units in the Mental Lexicon?
Atena Tudor
This thesis aims at researching the concepts of idioms and the mental lexicon, with the question of the storage of idioms in the mental lexicon in its focus. Discussed in this work are the most important notions which are related to the topic of the research. Idioms are explained and described regarding their structure and properties. The concept of the mental lexicon is presented, together with the most relevant theories regarding its structure. The aim of the research was to test the...
Wie Kinder eine Sprache beherschen Spracherwerb
Wie Kinder eine Sprache beherschen Spracherwerb
Kristina Tonković
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Wie beeinflusst die Sprache unser Deken?
Wie beeinflusst die Sprache unser Deken?
Marija Lučić
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Windows 10 općenito i kratka usporedba s Windows 8
Windows 10 općenito i kratka usporedba s Windows 8
Boris Prostran
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Wolfgang Borcherts Draßen vor der Tür
Wolfgang Borcherts Draßen vor der Tür
Antonio Marković
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Wolfgang Koeppens Kritik der Deutschen Bundesrepublik
Wolfgang Koeppens Kritik der Deutschen Bundesrepublik
Florijan Ljiljanić
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Women and Madness: A Literary Perspective
Women and Madness: A Literary Perspective
Vanesa Matošević
Charlotte Perkins Gilman's The Yellow Wallpaper, Sylvia Plath's The Bell Jar and Marge Piercy's Woman on the Edge of Time are important literary works that deal with mental illness in women. Gilman and Plath are two of the pioneering female authors who wrote about mental illness in their works reflecting their own experience, while Piercy is one of the most influential female authors who wrote about mentally ill women of colour. Society's negative reaction to the main characters' illness was...
Wortverbindungen aus dem Wortfeld Emotionen im Deutschen und Englischen
Wortverbindungen aus dem Wortfeld Emotionen im Deutschen und Englischen
Helena Valjak
Das Thema dieser Bachelor-Arbeit sind Wortverbindungen aus dem Wortfeld Emotionen in Deutschen und Englischen. Während meines Studiums habe ich mich immer für Lexikologie und Semantik verschiedener Sprachen interessiert. Ich war schon immer fasziniert davon, wie manche Sprachen so ähnlich und doch so unterschiedlich sein können. Da ich Englisch und Deutsch studiere und Kollokationen und menschlicher Kognition immer interessant für mich waren, habe ich mich entschieden, Kollokationen im...
Young Adolescents' Motivation to Learn English in Rural and Urban Settings in Croatia
Young Adolescents' Motivation to Learn English in Rural and Urban Settings in Croatia
Kristijan Škiljaica
This thesis reports the results of the study into the influence of urban and rural context on motivation levels in young adolescent Croatian L2 learners of English. The aim of the study was to investigate whether urban context learners display higher motivation levels than rural context learners and whether the urban context facilitates motivation to learn English as an L2 better than the rural context. The data were collected by means of a questionnaire, administered to a total of 53...
