
Marija Jurić Zagorka: Tajna krvavog mosta
Marija Jurić Zagorka: Tajna krvavog mosta
Lorena Matek
Ovaj diplomski rad bavit će se analizom ženskih likova u romanu Tajna Krvavog mosta Marije Jurić Zagorke kroz analizu tri ključna ženska lika: barunice Giulije Makar/barunice Katarine Lehotske/nadstojnice Beate; Stanke/Stanka Gotta/ dame u bijelom te Ružice Vojnić/dvorske lude/Ružice Ottenfels. Sva su tri navedena ženska lika višestruki identiteti te je svaki od tih identiteta u različitom odnosu s drugim likovima u romanu, kao i u različitom međusobnom odnosu te će stoga biti...
Marin Držić u svjetlu renesansne filozofije
Marin Držić u svjetlu renesansne filozofije
Ivona Raukar
Rad donosi prikaz renesansne filozofije i njenih elemenata u trima komedijama, jednog od najpoznatijih hrvatskih autora, Marina Držića. Prvi dio rada usmjeren je na općeniti prikaz formiranja renesansnog svjetonazora i raspada srednjovjekovnog sustava vjerovanja. Također, navode se razne promjene u čovjekovom shvaćanju religije, estetike, morala, znanosti, znanja i ljudskih sloboda. U daljnjem tekstu iznosi se biografija Marina Držića koja pruža uvid u zanimljiv, ali i buran život...
Mario Schiavato e la letteratura per l'infanzia
Mario Schiavato e la letteratura per l'infanzia
Petra Šimičić
Rad ne sadrži sažetak.
Marisa Madieri e la Letteratura dell'esodo al Femminile
Marisa Madieri e la Letteratura dell'esodo al Femminile
Ana Brnčić
Rad ne sadrži sažetak.
Marketing Hrvatske katoličke crkve
Marketing Hrvatske katoličke crkve
Dora Huzanić Mišek
Katolička Crkva jedna je od najjačih institucija u Republici Hrvatskoj, dok je marketing nezaobilazan trend 21.stoljeća. Kako i na koji način dva naoko ne spojiva pojma danas žive u simbiozi? Interes za marketingom nikada nije bio veći, a njegova primjena nikada nije bila šira. Marketing je s toga ''ušao'' i u Crkve. Pitanja koja u nadolazećem tekstu postavljam su : Kako se Crkva uključila u marketing, zašto je Crkvi marketing potreban, kako se primjenjuje marketing Crkve u...
Marketing is Persuasion and Persuasion is Marketing
Marketing is Persuasion and Persuasion is Marketing
Dalibor Hrelja
Dietary supplements are getting increasingly popular nowadays. In this work, the mechanisms behind dietary supplement sales are explained, using communication and text linguistics as a framework. A brief account of history of persuasion is given, and Edward Bernays' contribution as a public relations agent is shown as an important step in the development of marketing. A physiological background is also established and connected to consumerist behavior. Creatine monohydrate is chosen as an...
Marketinške izvedbe u prodaji tekstilne industrije
Marketinške izvedbe u prodaji tekstilne industrije
Helena Bistrović
Performans danas više nije samo grana suvremene umjetnosti te polje kreativnih iskoraka, već zalazi i u područje svakodnevnoga života. Budući da razvojem konzumerizma odijevanje prelazi granicu potrebe i postaje puka želja, fetišiziranje odjevnih komada, dolazi do zasićenja tržišta te brendovi tekstilne industrije moraju pronaći način kako se izdvajati od konkurenata. Ovaj rad promatra marketing brendova tekstilne industrije kao svojevrsni konzumeristički performans te se kao...
Marta Nussbaum's Theory of Social Justice
Marta Nussbaum's Theory of Social Justice
Nirvana Ribić
Martha Nussbaum’s theory of social justice brings out questions that have been arising in philosophy since ancient Greece. What is a good human life? How should the government treat its citizens and according to which norms? Can we provide a normative approach that will include all human beings, without excluding the powerless? In the thesis, I aim to examine these questions from the perspective of Nussbaum’s capability approach and her Aristotelian essentialism, whereas it will be...
Martin McDonagh and the Possibility of Cathharsis
Martin McDonagh and the Possibility of Cathharsis
Hanny Karlić
The main focus of this thesis is examining the key arguments used in the ethical criticism debate found in the aesthetic branch of philosophy through the key characteristic of the In-Yer-Face theatre movement, with the main focus being on Martin McDonagh’s Leenane Trilogy, comprised of three plays set in Connemara, Ireland: The Beauty Queen of Leenane, A Skull in Connemara and The Lonesome West. In the first part of the thesis, I provide an overview of the philosophical debate regarding...
Martin Scorsese as an Auteur: from Goodfellas (1990) to The Irishman (2019)
Martin Scorsese as an Auteur: from Goodfellas (1990) to The Irishman (2019)
Melanie Vičević
The main goal of this thesis is to examine Martin Scorsese’s mature vision of making gangster films by analysing his latest film from 2019, The Irishman, in the light of his 1990 gangster classic Goodfellas. The analysis will be based on film theory and on the fundamentals of one of the most influential cinema movements from which the term auteur derived from, the French New Wave. The history behind the notion of an auteur will be further examined before moving onto Scorsese, who is...
Mary Shelley's Prose or, the Romantic Imagination Reconsidered
Mary Shelley's Prose or, the Romantic Imagination Reconsidered
Elena Karabaić
This paper is an attempt to give an in-depth analysis of Mary Shelley’s prose, specifically her novels Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus, Valperga: or the Life and Adventures of Castruccio, Prince of Lucca and The Last Man, in the context of Romantic imagination. Mary Shelley’s personal life is just as fascinating as her literary work. Her upbringing in a household of authors, and her later marriage to one of the greatest poets of Romanticism explains her passion for...
